Is this journalism dishonest?

You've completely misrepresented the context of both statements, and you've provided the statements for everyone to see in the same post as your misrepresentation. I find it genuinely fascinating how people like yourself become so utterly steeped in confirmation bias.

Your interpretation of those tweets is dishonest.

He is one of the very worst posters on this forum. The things he was posting in 2020 in the lead up to the election were enough to embarrass a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut job. He has zero shame or zero self awareness.
No, it's not dishonest. I don't agree with your insinuation that a person with PTSD/depression isn't sane - did you mean it like that or have I misinterpreted?

Sorry it was short hand for is suffering from something that can malform their perceptions etc.

Someone with ptsd certainly has more expectation/excuse (terrible wording) for unhealthy thoughts.

Ie a victim of sexul abuse may feel panic from a hug from a family member that a person without that experience would not.

I mean I feel its dhosnonest to put a CT reasoning on the same stage as ptsd reasoning and equate one to the other

Basically your right it was bad wording by me,
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It's like you say they switched to using percentages as soon as the raw numbers dropped off, that way they can still scare people with "300% increase in hospitalisations!!11" without revealing the actual figure which is very low.

Whenever anyone gives percentage rate increases without providing the base figures you should get suspicious.

It annoys the hell out of me.

Who the hell scaled this graph?

One is CT nonsense backed up with callus disregard (if vaccine passports come in they will go to illegal raves instead of legitimate venues) the other is emotional damage from genuine illness and a tiny % of the population.

It feels dishonest to mix them together like this article does.

.what do you think?

Kinda devils advocate: Is paranoia informed by left/right media propaganda any less genuine than paranoia informed by personal experience (in this case knowingly taking a dangerous dose of a controlled substance)/mental health issues?

Personally I'm pro-vax (double jabbed) but also pro freedom (in that now the pandemic has dropped below levels that the health system can mostly deal with, I don't support the lockdown/'track and trace'/passport approach, especially given that being vax'ed doesn't necessarily prevent transmission)


Get the clicks or sell the paper.

It's trash 99% you have to take everything you read with a high degree of skepacism. Anything that throws in stats I instantly call shenanigans.

Yup, if it bleeds it leads! 96% of all stats (including this one) are made up on the spot anyway :p

Also, are McBusted/JLS still going? :eek:
If you want to read about dishonest journalism take a look at Glenn Greenwald's Twitter feed over the last day or two.

It's all about the Hunter Biden laptop that exposed dodgy business dealings involving Joe Biden and how the corporate media used unverified claims of "Russia disinformation" to avoid covering it when actual journalists had already confirmed its legitimacy by contacting people in the relevant emails. By refusing to cover the story corporate media had deliberately chosen to side with a particular candidate and therefore along with social media who suppressed all mention of the story (and even suspended the New York Post) interfered in the outcome of an election - but I guess it's okay as long as it's not Russia doing it!
If you want to read about dishonest journalism take a look at Glenn Greenwald's Twitter feed over the last day or two.

It's all about the Hunter Biden laptop that exposed dodgy business dealings involving Joe Biden and how the corporate media used unverified claims of "Russia disinformation" to avoid covering it when actual journalists had already confirmed its legitimacy by contacting people in the relevant emails. By refusing to cover the story corporate media had deliberately chosen to side with a particular candidate and therefore along with social media who suppressed all mention of the story (and even suspended the New York Post) interfered in the outcome of an election - but I guess it's okay as long as it's not Russia doing it!
I stopped reading the Rumble article when it asked me to login and presented me options such as Google, Facebook and Apple to do so.
that Graph is so hard to read what the hell is that ?
I could knock something up in paint that would be clearer and far more simple to read.

I like the article though :p
"Everybody wants equality - but it was not equality because men now have to work an extra year and we have to work an extra six years.
"If they wanted real equality, why didn't they bring the retirement age up for us, and down for men, to 63?
"That wouldn't have hurt as much."
but it is equality? women had it too good for too long now it's equal

what she doesn't get is to the government it wasn't about equality but how much money they can save on pensions.
I bet she wasn't bothered about equality when men had to work 5 years more than women, just mad about how it's been equalized
If you want to read about dishonest journalism take a look at Glenn Greenwald's Twitter feed over the last day or two.

It's all about the Hunter Biden laptop that exposed dodgy business dealings involving Joe Biden and how the corporate media used unverified claims of "Russia disinformation" to avoid covering it when actual journalists had already confirmed its legitimacy by contacting people in the relevant emails. By refusing to cover the story corporate media had deliberately chosen to side with a particular candidate and therefore along with social media who suppressed all mention of the story (and even suspended the New York Post) interfered in the outcome of an election - but I guess it's okay as long as it's not Russia doing it!

Absolutely obsessed with a nothing burger.[user][0]=18594
The top Tweet is when Trump was pushing vaccines as a way to end lock downs and US DemocRats and corporate media were opposed to vaccines because orange man bad.

The bottom Tweet is now that Saint Joe Biden is MANDATING those very same vaccines.

Does anyone really believe that if Trump had tried to mandate the vaccine in 2020 the corporate media and therefore people like this guy wouldn't have been frothing at the mouth about him being a fascist?


Corporate media have flip flopped constantly, governments have flip flopped constantly and people whose beliefs seem to be "fluid" because all they do is repeat whatever the former say at any given time have flip flopped. Engage your brains and stop acting like parrots to corporate media and governments.

Doea someone on twitter count as "journalism" now?
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