Is this possible?

10 Jun 2006
Scotland, Edinburgh
Like split the connection ..

I was wondering if it were possible to limit someones connection on my network? I have a 10 meg connection and have the router in my room. Would if be possible to limit their connection to say 1 meg?

Not with that router no. You'd need to buy a more specialised one that would allow traffic shaping. You could limit ports on whichever PC's you want, and only allow basic apps access (msn, http, etc) but i'm guessing you don't want to do this.

Only other solution would be to install an app to limit bandwidth... would need to be installed on there system though.
Yeah limiting to certain apps would be an issue. I like the idea of the software approach, do you know any apps off hand?

If I were to go for another router would I be looking at spending a lot to get a specialised one?

akirru said:
Yeah limiting to certain apps would be an issue. I like the idea of the software approach, do you know any apps off hand?

If I were to go for another router would I be looking at spending a lot to get a specialised one?


generally yes

as they are designed for people who pay for them with other peoples money ;)

a cheaper solution would be to build a router yourself. Get yourself an Old Pentium or 486 System that someobody is throwing away and turn it into a router. You can download free linux distribution and install freeware programmes for linux that do this such as smoothwall etc..
I like the idea of using an old machine to do the job, plus it would give me a chance to brush up on some Linux. What ver. of Linux do you use yourself? There are so many it’s almost mind boggling.

If I were to use another machine to do the job of a router, would I have to dedicate it to this role? Also would i still need to use my Netgear router?

It would have to be dedicated if you are using a router build such as those i'm about to mention. It's considered a less than good idea to bolt services onto a secured router if that was what you were thinking of ? That said with enough time you could config almost any distro to perform as a router and run other services. IPCop/ m0n0wall spring to mind. That said a DDWRT capable router such as the WRT54GL from OCUK would do very well and is a little less hands on.

As to you needing your old router the answer is probably not unless you suffer hardware failure at 3am when you catagorically can't do without a net connection, round about then it's always good to have something to fall back on.
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Yeah I wouldn't mind laying out the cash for a router, if it’s a lot less hassle than using a stand alone machine. Plus there is also the advantage that I won’t have to leave a machine on all the time and it won't take up as much room.
Hehe .. I leave my main rig on 24/7 as i use it as an ftp/share for movies/music etc.

I don't mind, its just if I can do the same thing with a relatively cheap router then it takes up less room and is less hassle, it seem like a wiser plan.
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