I always throw my remaining apple core or similar out the car window into the grass.. it helps out the wildlife.. and its biodegradable..
I used to do it at school too, throw my apple core into the trees/bushes... i secretely wanted to be caught by a dinnergranny.. as i always imagined their IQ was rather poor.. id turn around and say
"but do you not think the biodegradable nature of the fruit would not harm, and the nutritious remains benefit the local wildlife?"
that would probably have gotten me a
"dont be smart with me"
so when we would go to the head teacher to explain the situation, shed say
"he threw his apple into the trees/bushes and when asked what he was doing was being a smart alec"
i would pretend to be outraged...
"how dare you belittle my intelligence by accusing me of being a smart alec, this is unnacceptable!!"
i never thought much more than that.. just thought id share that with you.. one of the many school scenarios i thought too much about!