ISDN no more. Spec me a 1MB ISP please

27 Mar 2004

It's been a year since our exchange got ADSL which means it's been a year which my Dad could have got his ass and ordered ADSL but alas he didnt.

So I'm going to confront him tomorrow and get this over with. I can't stand only having 1 HOUR!!! or net time a day. Parents keep going on about why I havent contacted colleges and unis and they somehow think it's possible to do that in less than a hour.

So basically I just want at least 5 people to tell me the same ISP which they haven't had problems with. Need's to be 1MB with no cap's, unlimited time, no disconnects and a static IP.... I think that's it.

I want to run a small server at home and try and learn some stuff which I didn't at a waste of a 2 year college course.

Think you guy's can help me out?

Well highest as possible really. But I see all these adds on TV and what have you offering unlimited downloads etc.

Plus Net is one of them on my list
What makes you say Plus net is a bad choice?

Just checked there site and the only bad thing I can find is the stupid 15GB peak time cap. Which I would go over so there's no point using them.

Couldn't find Nildram on ADSL guide but I have checked out there site and it looks good (Y). Shame about the static IP being a extra £3.50 a month.

Pipex looks very good. I can't see any cap's but then comes the cost. Dad see's adverts on TV that say broadband for £15.99 a month so when I show him something for £33 a month he is going to want to know what's so good it has to double in price. Something which will be hard to argue with him.
tolien cheers. I rly must be blind.

OllyM... I don't think there is a budget as such. but like I said my Dad doesn't understand the difference between good broadband and crap.

Nildram it is then. Static IP was just something I would have liked to of had. But I can live without.

Cheers guys. Been a great help. Now to print off and leave on my Dad's desk. Let's see if he takes the hint.
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