Isle of Man TT

Not going this year since the other half is working. But will be at the NW200 before the IOMTT. If you're into bikes, the IOMTT is a pilgrimage you should make at least once in your life.
It's in my Bucket list but same as above I'm doing the NW200 first.
It's in my Bucket list but same as above I'm doing the NW200 first.

Hopefully it doesn't get rained off like last year. But it seems they've amended the road races act for this year:

The Road Races (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 has now been approved by the Northern Ireland Assembly and received Royal Assent. The changes to the road closing legislation now give the organisers of the International North West 200, in exceptional circumstances, the ability to move a practice or race day, either one day forward or one day back, giving 24 hours notice to the Department of Regional Development, (DRD).
Very true, been very dissapointing the last few years due to weather.

The race in my hometown has been fortunate enough the last few years with weather.

Yeah, the race to the bar... :p ;)

EDIT: Should add, no OP I've never been but a few lads from work go every year and love it. :)
I've been many times. My grandparents lived there and so we'd go over when the TT was on. They lived in kirk Michael, which is right on the track, and my dad and grandparents marshalled at keramore, as well as other locations. The dad's won a lifetime achievement award for the marshalling. He was also on keith townsends pit crew the year he won it.

The noise and speed is immense. Go

Every biker should go once.

2 top tips:

1. Take some padding for the single strap used to secure your bike on the ferry. Take your own strap for peace of mind.

2. Stay clear of the white lines on Mad Sunday as you will meet some suicidal manic doing the course in reverse...
2. Stay clear of the white lines on Mad Sunday as you will meet some suicidal manic doing the course in reverse...

The mountain is one way, do idiots really ride the wrong way on it?

I'm going this year, got some last minute tickets for the ferry when they released the unpaid ones a few weeks back. I went in 2011 and thoroughly enjoyed it, though I can hardly believe that in a H&S obsessed world that spectators are still permitted to get so close to the action, not that I'm complaining!
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I've never been but my wife does enjoy watching the racing. Not my thing, but I may take her next year!
Do it its amazing!

We booked camping and ferry almost a year before, ferry places book up pretty fast!

Be aware of the weather on the island, when we went you could be freezing cold one minute and the sun come out and get really badly sunburnt, to be fair it was damn cold every night thought so bring a warm sleeping bag :D
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