ISP Research

27 Aug 2004
OK, since plusnet seemed to have screwed us, we are yet again looking for another ISP. Just researching at the minute, probably change in about a month.

So far we have found:

OneTel - £24.99 = 2mb unlimited + free weekend/evening calls on telephone

PIPEX - £23.99 = 1mb unlimited (at least it looks to be) and 1000 minutes free on the telephone a month

I would rather take the PIPEX as i know they are a reputible company, what are onetel like?

Ideally looking for £25ish for a telephone/net package or £20 for net only. Must be no less than 1mb and ideally no less than 30GB/month cap.

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Bear in mind Pipex have just bought Ellacoyas (a la the devices that handle Plusnet's traffic shaping fun).
Stellios said:
OK, since plusnet seemed to have screwed us, we are yet again looking for another ISP.

LOL - How I was expecting you to start this thread next. (after the T&C one)

I suggest we keep this nice and open, with lots of suggestions from everyone regarding unlimited broadband.
Along with Toliens immense expert knowledge in this field, it should be able to help all (us) Plus Net customers looking to move over the next few months.
i'm another -netter too :rolleyes: looking around ready to jump ship.

Anyway heres one i came across that advertises
Uncapped Download Allowance (except 'Occasional Home Use') √

Looks ok on the face of it wonder what lurks in their T&C's though.
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Cant actually comment yet as im mid-change from Pipex but go live with NewNet on wednesday who seam resonable from what ive read ... little cheaper than Pipex too for the 2mb "advertised but by no means true uncapped" ... sorry had to get that dig in :P ... will post back when connected if peeps are interested
Now that looks spot on for what we are after. Would really appreciate a reponce of what you think of them. Their Home S service is spot on for what im looking for.
I'm with Pipex 1Mb now, apart from the migration problems I had (they blamed BT for it though) the service has been quite good and reliable.
Well I am in the same boat as others; about to leave Plusnuts. I have ruled various ISPs out and have come up with Demon or Eclipse. On the whole I favour Eclipse.

Anyone tried either and have any comments?
I've dealt with Demon about 3 years ago, their customer support was quite professional. Can't comment on any other aspects though...
Eclipse are £23.95 for 1meg or £29.99 for 2meg, but you get what you pay for on the whole.

They seem reluctant to update the service status page if there's an issue (look at the ADSLGuide forums), but other than that I don't have a problem with them.

I believe they also do a phone package, but I'm not sure how that ties in with the broadband.

If you haven't already I'd strongly recommend reading the ISP forums at
I used to use demon at work and to be honest customer support was a mess, they just kept passing the buck to another department.

And the actual line was slow compared to the eclipse one we replaceed it with, although if eclipse are doing the same as plusnet then i may have to consider some one else.
I'd avoid Pipex after this whole uncapped capped malarky. And had a nasty experience with Demon a few years back where they tried to totally rip me off. Took me months of threatening letters to sort it out.

OK a quick update ... just tried new log-in details for NewNet having been on Pipex during the morning & suprisingly it signed in with a new ip addy instantly ... always thought connection would be lost for a while during change over so not totally sure as both seem live at the same time ... anyway whether in the mind or not have noticed an instant increase in speed and responce of web page loading so hopefully all is now sorted .. will test for the rest of day .. happy surfing all
Cozman said:

Sounds good. I'm very interested in yours or anyone elses Newnet service as I've seen some bad things on adslguide forums about the Metronet integration into the Plusnet borg.
im with virgin, £24.99 a month, 5 emails, 10MB webspace, 2MB download speed and unlimited download.

Its a bit more expensive but ive never had any trouble in the last 4 years with it. Never one day when it was down or playing up and no trouble with payment!
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