Issue with frying eggs

Lower heat for longer.

Also have these eggs come from the fridge? They tend not to spead out in the pan when they're cold.
Either lots of oil,
or if in a hurry/low on oil then another way I get all the white set is to poke a hole in the snottier part of the white that forms a lump around the yolk as it is setting in the pan.... to allow the top snotty bit to get in contact with the pan ;)
Just use lots of butter and spoon it over the egg, don't use vegetable/sunflower oil, that stuff is nasty! Butter, lard, tallow are the best for cooking or VCO is even better.
Like mentioned,Oil....and enough to splash over the tops,Keep the heat on medium and keep on splashing those eggs until they are cooked,should only take a min or two...this is how i do mine and theyre always perfect. :)

I usually use Vegtable oil.
a fried egg should take no longer than 1.5 min to cook on a medium heat either flipping them over 20 seconds from the end or splashing with oil

for a quick heart attack and an autstanding taste try cooking eggs in butter there always awsome
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