IT REALLY annoys me!!!!!

11 Jul 2009
Why o why do petrol stations ask you to remove your helmet when filling up?"Pump number 4 can you please remove your helmet" i heard over the tannoy,NO i dont want to remove my helmet,last week you served me just fine,one im an ugly munter and two i cant be ar$sed trying to juggle a pump nozzle and a helmet and three im all warm and cosy inside my helmet

Whats the most im gonna ride off with anyway? £7 in petrol!!! WoW call the cops,crime in progress!!

Maybe if i wore a burkah id get served no problems? Well wearing a helmet is my religion too!!

Whats your thoughts??
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It's a legal requirement that the petrol station attendant/cashier should check that the person using the pump to fill their vehicle is of the required age.

If the cashier cannot verify that the person looks over the legal age (due to wearing a helmet) then they can refuse to serve you fuel.

Don't blame the cashier for doing their jobs folks, they're the ones that'll get into the big heap of **** when a 14 yr old, nicks a bike, puts some fuel in it and then kills themselves or worse others.

10 seconds to remove your helmet, is it really that hard? :rolleyes:

People really need to think outside the box sometimes...

oh i forgot howmany 14yr old zx10 riders there are,why dont they ask the asians to remove there burkhas then?mines a flip up helmet anyway

thats besides watching me turn off the ignition with a key and open the fuel cap with a key
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ill admit im not too savvy on these modern pay at the pump machines so i tend to avoid,just gimme my god damn petrol!!! or ill do a doughnut on you
haha i wondered when the religion/racist thing would raise its ugly head

whats good for one is good for the other
ive seen muslims with burkahs get served,seen articles in bike mags about the subject too,and its not like were filling up with £100 of fuel is it? plus all the cctv ect so why all the fuss? just stop nannying around and turn on the pumps!!!
and what about us ugly folks?

shouldnt make us take helmets off imo,its a silly policy,make us come and pay first then!!! Its just to inconveniencing and rather silly when most bikes hold £10-£15 tops £7 average fill up for me,cctv is everywhere now on filling stations
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i prefer to stay on the bike too,its easier plus you get better idea of how much petrol you can squeeze in the tank when its upright,and yes dogbreath im hidiously ugly!!!

today i took my revenge on asda petrol station and used the pay at pump,dont like these modern fangled gizmos,but it went fine,thats my two fingers rampant to asda!!

still say its an idiotic policy considering all the modern cctv and the amount of fuel bikes take
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