Hello beautifuls!
Do you like posting on the internet? I bet you do! Sometimes when other people dump their brain thinkings on to the internet web cloud page a magic good happens (yay!) and sometimes a bad bad happens (boo!) but it can also be both or, rare treats indeed, neither. Let's focus on the first two, champs!
Which threads from the last year (1st Jan 2024** to present time) would you consider 'best' and which are 'non-best'? Presentations from all categories will be considered, even Speakers Corner*
Best outright thread of 2024: You're an alarming bunch but at least I know how you're all doing xxx
Best thread of 2024 which I found genuinely helpful: Monitor help, thank you
Worst thread of 2024: this absolute car crash is a nuisance
* lol, not really.
** thank you @Thekwango
Do you like posting on the internet? I bet you do! Sometimes when other people dump their brain thinkings on to the internet web cloud page a magic good happens (yay!) and sometimes a bad bad happens (boo!) but it can also be both or, rare treats indeed, neither. Let's focus on the first two, champs!
Which threads from the last year (1st Jan 2024** to present time) would you consider 'best' and which are 'non-best'? Presentations from all categories will be considered, even Speakers Corner*
Best outright thread of 2024: You're an alarming bunch but at least I know how you're all doing xxx
Best thread of 2024 which I found genuinely helpful: Monitor help, thank you
Worst thread of 2024: this absolute car crash is a nuisance
* lol, not really.
** thank you @Thekwango
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