Its a wonder we are all still alive...

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Sublime observation!
(Wipes a nostalgic tear from his eye.......)

I enjoyed reading that immensely!

No wonder the kids these days are going down with allergies and illnesses that we didn't worry about when we were young.

It's not often I get's too often overblown and rose tinted, but you've struck a chord there.

It's a shame that a lot of kids these days sit inside and eat junk food all day. I'm pretty bad too, but of course I go outside, see friends and generally have fun.

I would like to see the Ambulance chasers stoned to death for degrading our society. 'Mr Jones fell off a ladder at work' :rolleyes: and who's fault would that be :rolleyes:

"Do something every day that scares you." - Baz Lurman

When I lived in indonesia I climbed trees, swam almost every day, and I remember jumping off a pier one day and not realizing that a large motor boat was coming in to park :eek: I scrambled up that pier jolly fast I tell you. When I came back to England we had a big garden and the woods to play in. In Norway there was skiing, and in Italy, long lazy evenings out and about.

I've never broken a bone in my life, and touch wood I've never been seriously injured. Looking back I've done some pretty cool things over my life :)

Nice post matey :)
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bring back the cain seriously...the good people dont get cained and the bad people are so scared of it that they are good :) fantastic :D

stupid liberals!

and the smacking of children...if they are bad...they get a hiding...after a bit they are scared of it and dont do so many bad things...also eating mud is cool!!! :D

the thing with accidents if often they arnt the persons fault...well sometimes and then you have to habe a system to deal with it...but then peopel abuse it when they ran into a wall that should have had a sign....BEWARE! WALL IS HARD!!!

another thing thats gone down the pan is lego...MY GOODNESS HOW MUCH DOES IT SUCK NOW!! i was i a toy shop today looking at some. its all huge pieces SO simple to build. grr gone are the days of 4000 tiny bits and the insane satisfaction when you get that blasted truck with the compressor and pnumatic grabbing arm thing working (i had one of those :D). technic is more expensive and all it manages is susspension these days :(
I remember riding down a big hill on a sledge, only to find that this hill was actually more of a ramp for jumping- cue me being launched up 6' in the air. I also remember swinging on trees in my garden (chipped a load of teeth one time when falling), falling 7' out of a tree (skinned my knees on the tree bark) and nicking my neighbours strawberries when I was 6 :D
Very nostalgic, although I have to say that i don't know many people who are as controlling over their kids as that post makes them out to be. People always complain about skateboarders in city centres and stuff and kids smoking, but in a way they're just doing what kids have always done. Playing dangerous games and doing things their parents tell them not to :)
Oh, how I love generalisation...

Seems to me that I did all that and did old codgers like Volospian ;)

How much really changed in the intervening period?

And although there have been studies linking asthma etc to lack of exposure to dirt and bugs and worms....

How many people had a car in 1950? 1960?
How many people had :eek: 2 cars??
How many smokers are there now compared to the 50s/60s?

You can live in the past all you like, but the times they are a' changin'...

[EDIT] My grandad's uncle taught him to smoke cigars while he was bunking off school...ahh...the good old days :)
Originally posted by DingleBerry
bring back the cane seriously...the good people dont get cained and the bad people are so scared of it that they are good :) fantastic :D

another thing thats gone down the pan is lego...MY GOODNESS HOW MUCH DOES IT SUCK NOW!! i was i a toy shop today looking at some. its all huge pieces SO simple to build. grr gone are the days of 4000 tiny bits and the insane satisfaction when you get that blasted truck with the compressor and pnumatic grabbing arm thing working (i had one of those :D). technic is more expensive and all it manages is susspension these days :(

Definitely bring back the cane, then we wouldn't have the problem of discipline in schools.

I love lego, the new kits are a bit turdy, but I find waay more satisfaction from making huge things out of small 'normal' shaped bricks. I made a huge aeroplane (which I still have, and I'll take a photo when I get back to Italy) out of very simple bricks. Obviously I used more complicated pieces for the windows, engines and wings. How much of a demon was I at lego :D Mechano also rocked the house, and the older stuff was again far better for building stuff.
It must have been grand to be able to drink from a nearby stream, whereas now you need to purchase drinking water. No supermarkets filled with idiots, just corner shops where the women would go for a good gaggle. Even better, no television, just the radio, where your imagination would need to be used to carry an episode through. Nobody needs to use their imagination anymore, and The Outside is now seen as a dangerous place. It was safe to walk the streets at night back then. No murders, no lagerlouts, no fighting. Doors left open 24 hrs a day during summer. Being able to cross the road even during the rush hour. Today there are cars and pollution everywhere. Try doing that now. Kids today, being confined to their bedrooms, playing on their PCs, even with others of their kind, are quite simply bored and lack stimulative imaginery pursuits. In the good old days you may have had less, but people were more friendly and trustworthy. Wealth does not a better person make. Rather the opposite is true. All we are doing by being in a wealthier society is feeding our greed.
lego is great, I have 2 brothers so between us we've got a nice large collection of space bits, they dug it out the other day and put loads of it together :)
Still more fun to make up yer own things tho.
wtf is with all this 'harry potter' lego tho? I looked in a toy-shop the other day and there were 3 types of lego on the shelf, 'harry potter' 'star-wars' and a few 'bionicles'...
WOW... Post then go for one day and it has got a 5 * Rating... Nice...

My post was taken from an email that a friend sent me... It just struck home a bit... I was not intending for it t be a bla blah bla things used to be better when... Etc...

it just made me thing a little...

I remember when i was 5... Used to go to infants school like ya do... But one week my mum had forgotten to give me my dinner money... And they sent me home!!! On my own in the snow (I lived about 1/2 a mile away from the school)... In this day and age there would have been major lawsuits, news coverage etc (That was if i had got home safely enough) some of the other stuff too about not calling friends, just going to their houses to see if they were in... Ahhhhhh....

Dont get me wrong... I much prefer to have my consoles, pc, car, mobile, online banking and the list goes on... just makes me think about how much the world has changed...

Some things for the better and some for the worse...

Glad you all liked my post... :D
Originally posted by tom_nieto
Definitely bring back the cane, then we wouldn't have the problem of discipline in schools.

What discipline problem?

For the love of grandad didn't complain that I was playing with meccano and lego and computer games when all he had was a tin can to kick about and trees to climb and a war to fight.

In the 60s/70s there were gangs of mods and rockers rioting...
Myra Hindley/Peter Brady, Peter Sutcliffe....

There's bad in the past even if you don't want to remember it.
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