It's amazing how much hostilaty you guys have there?

30 Jul 2004
South Africa
Hey all,

I've noticed how down Britain is. And how you Britain aren't among the friendliest people on this earth.

While I was over there in the UK for five years. I did a lot of walking the streets and always in town. Now not once, and I mean that not even one single time did I have another person who walked past me say hi or greet me. Not one. I get on the bus over there and normally it's very quite, no one says a word. Unless you are stupid and get on a school bus, then it's pure hell! :p

I get back here to South Africa, get off the plan and the first total stranger I walk past, who I've never seen or met in my life says Howzit boet. Brighten my whole day up. Every day I walk past strangers here and 6 out of 10 times I will get someone who greets me. I can guarantee that if I walk out of my house and walk to the shops, someone or a couple of people will greet me.

Why people in the UK are like this. I mean you guys generally are a happy bunch. And I realize in today's society, you can't be too careful. Understandable. And a shame. But you could at least be a little friendlier?

I move 12,000 miles away to my home, where I get greeted by total strangers’ everyday, at least a couple of times a day. Any reason UK folk aren't like this?

Robert. :)
6 Sep 2005
Dunno about that. When you don't live in a city you do get people saying hello in passing. I know that when I'm walking about there will nearly always be someone I pass who says hello etc. In fact I've occasionally had full conversations with total strangers I've met in passing.
26 Jul 2003
Britain is like that, people never really talk to each other I say good day to someone in the village and they look at me like I must be some estranged lunatic buzzing around on happy juice with multiple personalities greeting people.

God I hate this country sometimes. :D
26 Dec 2004
Ice On Fire said:
Hey all,

I've noticed how down Britain is. And how you Britain aren't among the friendliest people on this earth.

While I was over there in the UK for five years. I did a lot of walking the streets and always in town. Now not once, and I mean that not even one single time did I have another person who walked past me say hi or greet me. Not one. I get on the bus over there and normally it's very quite, no one says a word. Unless you are stupid and get on a school bus, then it's pure hell! :p

I get back here to South Africa, get off the plan and the first total stranger I walk past, who I've never seen or met in my life says Howzit boet. Brighten my whole day up. Every day I walk past strangers here and 6 out of 10 times I will get someone who greets me. I can guarantee that if I walk out of my house and walk to the shops, someone or a couple of people will greet me.

Why people in the UK are like this. I mean you guys generally are a happy bunch. And I realize in today's society, you can't be too careful. Understandable. And a shame. But you could at least be a little friendlier?

I move 12,000 miles away to my home, where I get greeted by total strangers’ everyday, at least a couple of times a day. Any reason UK folk aren't like this?

Robert. :)

Why should they say hi to you?

why dont YOU greet them, works same way dont it?



9 Nov 2004
William said:
Britain is like that, people never really talk to each other I say good day to someone in the village and they look at me like I must be some estranged lunatic buzzing around on happy juice with multiple personalities greeting people.

that's probably because you said good day to someone after 1957
21 Jan 2005
OcUK country
TBH, it does happen in smaller towns and villages in the UK. However in a city it never seems to happen (not to me anyway).

I would be rather suprised if someone did say hello to me 'out of the blue' as I was walking down a busy city street. I dont think it would necessarily brighten my day though
17 Mar 2006
Ice On Fire said:
Hey all,

I've noticed how down Britain is. And how you Britain aren't among the friendliest people on this earth.

While I was over there in the UK for five years. I did a lot of walking the streets and always in town. Now not once, and I mean that not even one single time did I have another person who walked past me say hi or greet me. Not one. I get on the bus over there and normally it's very quite, no one says a word. Unless you are stupid and get on a school bus, then it's pure hell! :p

I get back here to South Africa, get off the plan and the first total stranger I walk past, who I've never seen or met in my life says Howzit boet. Brighten my whole day up. Every day I walk past strangers here and 6 out of 10 times I will get someone who greets me. I can guarantee that if I walk out of my house and walk to the shops, someone or a couple of people will greet me.

Why people in the UK are like this. I mean you guys generally are a happy bunch. And I realize in today's society, you can't be too careful. Understandable. And a shame. But you could at least be a little friendlier?

I move 12,000 miles away to my home, where I get greeted by total strangers’ everyday, at least a couple of times a day. Any reason UK folk aren't like this?

Robert. :)

Why bother say hello to total strangers in the street who you will never see again? :confused: I mean if you start talking to people in a club, or work is another thing.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I have to say that I'm the sort of person who will give a little "hello" to people as I walk past them - well certainly if it's a nice walk in the country side or something. Maybe not in London so much... but quieter areas of the world for sure.

In the Med (well in France anyway) in the morning when you walk into a café for your shot of coffee and a pastry (or whatever) people often come into the shop and say "messieurs dammes.." (basically greeting the people in the shop). And as they leave they often may do the same.

I've often engaged into conversations with complete strangers. I always smile at people who let me in at junctions, give a smile to people who walk past me. Damn I sound like a hippy, but I like to spread a few positive vibes around...
5 Jul 2005
William said:
Britain is like that, people never really talk to each other I say good day to someone in the village and they look at me like I must be some estranged lunatic buzzing around on happy juice with multiple personalities greeting people.

God I hate this country sometimes. :D

You are though... arent you?

@ OP: Cos it would get bloody annoying every 2 minutes having to say hello to random strangers, most of which like fatian are indeed nutters ;)
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