Its Coming - Ahsoka

This could be the best of them all. Live action Rebels, Thrawn, a new threat. Heir of the empire story threads dropping in? I’m so here for it. Consider me suitably teased :D

Plus a new Star Wars film on the way :)
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Very interesting Rebels was a really good show, lots of new bits but respectful to the lore (mostly). Seeing so many Rebels characters being reintroduced is quite cool. One wonders if the white haired woman with no name is an Emperors Hand type character.
Lars Mikkelsen has been confirmed as playing Thrawn, a good choice IMHO.

Wonder if we’ll get an Heir to the Empire movie….doubt it, as Mark Hamill/Harrison Ford would be to old for their parts now.
Wonder if we’ll get an Heir to the Empire movie….doubt it, as Mark Hamill/Harrison Ford would be to old for their parts now.
The best we can hope for is a Disney+ series event that brings back our standin for Luke and the others. Or if it happens in a few years time, they finally hire Sebastian Stan for the role as an older Luke.
So apparently this series will have the world between worlds. Some serious potential if that's true. I mean could you imagine they can retcon the new trilogy...
I smell this being made by a certain kathleen kennedy*** .... yeah, i call this being another hyped.........flop .... sorry

(shove her name into youtube, you will understand)

**yeah, spelt that wrong first time :o
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Is she related to Kathleen?

By blood? No. By being her bitter wish fulfilment fantasy made flesh, after spending years struggling in a system she perceived to be unfair, amongst men who she perceived to be superior to? Yes.
So apparently this series will have the world between worlds. Some serious potential if that's true. I mean could you imagine they can retcon the new trilogy...

Hmmm. Mixed views on the world between both from clone and rebels. I felt it took away from the 'real' universe far too much. Made the universe feel a little trivial. Not sure. Depends on execution I guess.
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