Its Coming - Ahsoka

How that trailer made me feel:

Bouncy Bouncy.. I love Clerks 2.. I think that an Mallrats are my fav KS movies.
I really should like this - I really like the character, I really like almost the entire the cast (few I don't know) and I really like the EU this has kind of been taken from - and yet I'm only mildly intrigued, and thats mostly "how will the screw this up" rather than from any thoughts that this might actually be a really good SW story.

I mean Andor gave me a little hope that somewhere deep in Lucasfilm there's a few semi-talented writers left, as I enjoyed watching that despite its slow pace and repeated use of "because the plot needs to happen" as I felt the lack of a "must be about a Jedi" focus allowed it to breathe life into the almost Cold War style Empire vs Rebellion aspects, all of which was enjoyable to see, but something about that trailer is just lacking "something" for me.

It'll be interesting to see what it's viewing figures look like, well as much as we can anyway, to see it also suffers the same lack of fan engagement as Andor, although with Ahsoka being such a poopular character I think the first 2-3 epsiodes will do well even if its garbage or Emmy winning.
Are there only females in this universe? That's how it seems from the trailer anyway :rolleyes:

Another force is female fem fest. Typical Disney.
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I'm sure they are, but how many male characters did you see in that trailer?? Only ones you see are either evil or killed. Pitiful really.

I counted 2 speaking roles for men (Ray Stevenson and the projected hologram) vs 6 speaking roles for women in the trailer. I understand your point about "good vs bad", all of the main characters who are "goodies" in that trailer were female whilst, of the 3 "baddies" whose face was shown, two were male and one was female.

It's well known by now that Lucasfilm under Kathleen Kennedy has taken a very female-centric approach to a lot of its IP so I don't expect this to be any different, but whether this approach will make or break this show we can only guess at, but based on past performance it's understandable that fans are wary.
Just been listing to Chris Gore and he just put out some home truths.

At the end of the day Disney is mainly a "Girl Brand" Marvel held out as long as it could.

"The Force is Female"

The M-She U"
I love how we've had 6 seasons of shows in a row with male leads, first show with a female lead and there are complaints that there are only women in the universe :D
Give them a break.

Don't you remember all those decades where a trailer would drop and men on forums would count how many speaking roles all the men appeared to have?

No? Me neither.
I love how we've had 6 seasons of shows in a row with male leads, first show with a female lead and there are complaints that there are only women in the universe :D
name them?

Shows where the male is a broken down failure that doesn't resemble his past character don't count.

The Mando has been a side bitch for a few season now.
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Don't you remember all those decades where a trailer would drop and men on forums would count how many speaking roles all the men appeared to have?

No? Me neither.
Don't you remember all those decades where companies **** on their core audience, called them every 'phobe and 'ist under the sun for not liking the product churned out?

No? Me neither.
I love how we've had 6 seasons of shows in a row with male leads, first show with a female lead and there are complaints that there are only women in the universe :D
Yeah, but even when it's a supposed male lead, we get bait and switch, like the Womandalorian :p

Turned out to be the Bo Katan show.

Obi wan show was exactly the same.

Oh and Netflix are at it too with the Witcher.
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I'm all for well written strong female characters, but all Disney give us is Mary Sue girl bosses :p

It's getting tiresome and boring.
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I just can’t even comprehend what I have just read.

Are you seriously complaining about a show that you’ve not even watched yet because you perceive there are too many female actors?
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I just can’t even comprehend what I have just read.

Are you seriously complaining about a show that you’ve not even watched yet because you perceive there are too many female actors?
You must be new to the Music, Box Office, TV & Books forum. The alt-righters have been trying to force their agenda in here for a while.

Need to remember these simple rules, TV made for the middle aged white man (aka a strong male lead) = good, TV made for anyone else (aka not a strong male lead) = bad.
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