Just recieved this e-mail in work.
"Dear Tenants,
I'm appalled to be sending this e.mail to you, but regrettably I have no other option. I have received numerous complaints over the last few days of the state in which the ladies toilets on the first floor are being left in.
Basically, individuals are leaving faeces and stains all over the actual seat and pan, and without being too explicit other bodily fluids are being deposited and left in the actual toilet for other people to witness and their mess is then left for someone else to clean up.
I don't think that it is asking much of any individual to actually check the toilet before they leave the cubicle. If persons do leave a mess for some reason, I believe its their responsibility to clean up after themselves and not leave it there for others to witness.
Lately our building has had very few if no external meetings, therefore the person/s responsible is likely to be a person from this building, which I find sickening to believe that an individual can leave toilets in this way, especially knowing that they do and will be used by other tenants and staff. There is no consideration at all by this person/s for others in the building.
Please could you inform all members of staff of this e.mail as it needs to be requested that persons respect the facilities of the building and others who have to use them also.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. "
Sort it out women!
"Dear Tenants,
I'm appalled to be sending this e.mail to you, but regrettably I have no other option. I have received numerous complaints over the last few days of the state in which the ladies toilets on the first floor are being left in.
Basically, individuals are leaving faeces and stains all over the actual seat and pan, and without being too explicit other bodily fluids are being deposited and left in the actual toilet for other people to witness and their mess is then left for someone else to clean up.
I don't think that it is asking much of any individual to actually check the toilet before they leave the cubicle. If persons do leave a mess for some reason, I believe its their responsibility to clean up after themselves and not leave it there for others to witness.
Lately our building has had very few if no external meetings, therefore the person/s responsible is likely to be a person from this building, which I find sickening to believe that an individual can leave toilets in this way, especially knowing that they do and will be used by other tenants and staff. There is no consideration at all by this person/s for others in the building.
Please could you inform all members of staff of this e.mail as it needs to be requested that persons respect the facilities of the building and others who have to use them also.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. "
Sort it out women!