Bit of a run, bit of a punchbag session, clean the inside of the car in view of selling it in the next couple of weeks, and Hapkido on Sunday. Oh and I have to empty the kitchen cabinets so they can be taken down for the ceiling to be replaced - not looking forward to that at all.
Hmm, I have Saturday off I'm going to do some photography, Sunday I have to be in 8-5pm (oh the joy of having no holidays for a while now!) but yeah, it's not bad really goes quickly
Saturday,working 7-4, then going to a party, leaving my house at 7.30ish, staying overnight, come home at 9ish in the morning. I then need to be at my friend's house at 3-4ish to get a bus to go to Brighton for a party, get the bus at 7.30am directly to school, arriving at school at 8.30ish ready to start the day, fully..refreshed. And then getting haircut at 2pm. In Brighton.
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