It's too hot :(

I'm the opposite. Currently resenting everyone for complaining about the heatwave as today feels freezing in comparison to the last week. I get not enjoying hot nights but I was loving the hot Days and Evenings.

Yeah everyones different I guess, with weather it's never going to please all, I think you either love or hate it, I suffer from really bad sinuses so hot weather makes my sinus pain bad, also having windows open all you hear are neighbours dogs, got a women one side with 15 dogs who make a racket and other side of us is 2 dogs out all day with one of them barking every 5 or 10 minutes, then there a bird in a aviary over the back fence who will do the most irritating call 10,000 times aday, basically it does it from day break till sunset extremely loudly, you can hear it inside even with windows shut so no escape from it when home, so yeah it ruins summer each year now for us, can't enjoy the garden or have windows open ever really unless you have music or tv really loud to drown them out. when I was younger the heat was fine and I liked the summer, now I much prefer it cooler.
No rain today, still very muggy out. Just want it to rain tomorrow as so short staffed and deliveries all over the place. Not going to tolerate any abuse from customers tomorrow.
I hoping it stays like this now and doesn't get hotter than 20c, so much more pleasant and you can do all you want to do. August last year was fairly average if I remember and didn't get too hot, hope its the same this year. Looking forward to a decent winter I love those crispy frosty mornings, I miss them.

While I’m glad that you’re happy now that things have cooled down, I loved the recent heat.
When I went to bed last night my wife was spark out on top of the duvet cover doing an imitation of a starfish while clad in just a thong, and she’d fully opened the sliding door to the balcony.
I quietly shucked my shirt and jeans, then put a T shirt on and got in under the duvet, only to be woken by her putting my shirt on around 07.00 and going downstairs for coffee, while I had goose pimples on my upper arms.
I didnt make it into the 23s, outdoor temp was certainly low enough, but wasnt even a breeze. :/

But I am grateful, it was far worse than this just 3 days ago.

We need some rain though. Think hasnt been any for 2+ weeks.

Whereabouts are you? It was supposed to thunderstorm and cool down but its 23c today and humid and I'm sweating it scarcely feels any different I was expecting a big change. Well at least its not stifling hot in here anymore and theres a bit of a breeze moving the curtains. If it would only stay like this forever I'd be set for life. Well apart from the lack of rain that is.

Meant to storm here tonight, bring it on!

They keep promising that and nothing happens it was supposed to be like that last night/this morning, instead nothing, nada.
We were forecast several hours of storms in London from 3pm all through the early evening and into the night. Nothing happened.

How many times in the past has London been hit by maybe 10 cm of snow, and the Evening Standard has printed pictures of kids with toboggans on Primrose Hill, or Hampstead Heath, with headlines screaming, “MORE ON WAY!”
It almost never materialises fortunately.
We were forecast heavy rain and had nothing. Sitting here now with the door open to the garden and it's gloriously chilly. :p
A few degrees makes such a difference. Very nice now.

(Although I like the old-school F scale - 60 is mild, 70 warm, 80 hot and 90 boiling - much more intuitive. We’re in the comfortable low 70s now).
Looks like east london is getting all the action again :(

We've had storms forecast everyday for almost a week without a peep, a few strikes and a few 5 min downpours is all we've had so far.

Edit: It's literally not stopped raining since i posted this go figure
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Had a really big downpour in the Chessington area towards Epsom not long ago ... Got home from there and the roads were rivers! Went through a good foot and a half of standing water in a low point on the way back - bit scary while it's still hammering it down and then the rain got to within an inch or two of front door but has all drained away now thankfully - wouldn't mind some more lightning / thunder but no more rain!

Plus there's a power cut round here currently too!
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