It's too hot :(

Yes try and see beyond all the rubbish on holywell today ;)

Dont worry, it's there somewhere, normally buried a few inches below the surface right where you decide to sit.
We had a heck of a thunderstorm last night. So powerful in fact it made the whole house shake (and scared one of the kids! Ah well more cuddles for me :) ).
Solid sun forecast here all week but only 20c, so basically perfect weather. But we desperately need rain, garden and allotment are too dry.

Only 20c? Its showing mid to high twenties by mid week a tad warm for me but I'll cope. Had quite a bit of rain and storms overnight/this morning weathers been very strange the SW which is usually wet, wet and even more wet this time of year has been bone dry for ages and over here where its normally like the arizona desert by now has had a fair bit of rain over the last few weeks. At least its cleared the air and done my hayfever a power of good can actually open my eyes now.
Lovely sunny work days followed by wet weekend ,typical ! Nice morning though went to check my frogs in the pond ,no luck ,damn that I can't stay home today

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Back out in the garden again, working hard as usual.

Really nice today, my garden is quite shelted but I can feel the breeze is cool, I think out in the fields it'd be perfect.
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