It's too hot :(

I've imposed marshall law in our house to keep it cool:

Blinds and curtains are closed as the sun moves around.

Reduced cooker use and more outdoor cooking

No TV on unless someone is watching (it kicks out a fair bit of heat).

Windows open to get a draft going.

Still nice and cool in the house after a warm day, and long may it continue.
Plenty of Wind in the South East... Relentless day after day of it

Can't even blame the dodgy food!
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Haha discussions about this will soon be in this thread I bet, those in the west complaining of rain, whilst those in the south and east with heat waves.

I have a feeling the portable AC will rolling into my room very soon. It's been at least 23c in my room for well over a month and it's just uncomfortable, especially after a shower; and no I don't have the shower scalding hot - just hot enough so I feel clean, and no I won't have a cold shower because I never feel clean after one and I still start sweating again.

Summer sucks .. period! Roll on Autumn :p

I quite like 23c!

I have my office set at 21c in winter! :D
Haha discussions about this will soon be in this thread I bet, those in the west complaining of rain, whilst those in the south and east with heat waves.


Actually been a lot warmer last 7-10 days down in SW vs the east for a change!
For me, bed has been slightly uncomfy, usually I make it to at least late June before I am sleeping in sweat, but still bearable when up as long as not doing physical work, otherwise need plenty of t-shirts on hand.

No fan on yet.

Room temp peaked at 24.5C which I think is above average for this time of year but still about 8C below what it can hit. Still 23.6C at 1.30am.
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For me, bed has been slightly uncomfy, usually I make it to at least late June before I am sleeping in sweat, but still bearable when up as long as not doing physical work, otherwise need plenty of t-shirts on hand.

No fan on yet.
Finally summer.
This 20-25 with sun is basically perfect weather for me. Hot, especially midday. Perfect for water sports.
But also great for biking especially early/later.

Long may it last! Summer is late this year!
If it wasnt so muggy, with absolutely no air movement, I think thats the issue. A breeze makes such a different to pleasantness, but my road is like the bottom of a canyon, its up hill in all directions from where I live, plus so far from the coast as well in all directions.

When I visit the coast in the summer and am sitting outside facing the sea, its way more pleasant.
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Hmm, I did very briefly think about putting on the air-conditioning yesterday but decided it wasn't needed. Definitely no problem sleeping. This morning for cycling I'm still thinking I might wear sleeves. When will we actually start summer!? It's almost June!!!
Yes, thanks.
That's astronomical summer and in a thread about weather meteorological summer would be more suitable, which is the 1st of June.
From your link.
However, meteorologists are also interested in the beginning of the meteorological summer. Meteorological summer will always begin on 1 June; ending on 31 August.

The meteorological seasons consist of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar, making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics.
I quite like 23c!

I have my office set at 21c in winter! :D
Weirdo :p

But seriously (no idea what Phil Collins has to do with it ;)) I've never particularly liked the heat. Sun with a fresh breeze is fine up to a point when you're out and about but down here it's just generally muggy when it's warm which I find really uncomfortable, and our house retains heat so whatever temp it is outside you can guarantee it's at least 5c higher indoors.

18 - 23 is, I believe, the standard range for AC in an office environment so you're just about in the middle :)
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