It's too hot :(

I'm the last person to like the heat but surprisingly enjoying this. Off to Yorkshire tomorrow to pick up a mountain bike so may even make half a day out, out of it.
27 degrees on the way home - mercifully 2 degrees cooler at home. Has anyone else noticed the weather people massively underestimating maximum temperatures recently?
ha! Joking aside, I hope your fish will be okay :(

I completely understand this weather is not for everyone, and certainly the UK isn't really designed to deal with warmer temperatures. The tube IS horrendous :(

I am looking forward to a massive thunderstorm which I hope we have.

Bring some tinnies :p
27 degrees on the way home - mercifully 2 degrees cooler at home. Has anyone else noticed the weather people massively underestimating maximum temperatures recently?

The Met office usually gets it right in the winter but as soon as it gets to 15C+ they always seem to be 2C or more under what it ends up being. I just use our local weather station's site for the forecast.
I actually worry about some stuff in my attic room, incase the heat damages speakers, vinyl, tv's, my PC and stuff :P.
Get's pretty damn hot.
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