ITT you tell us 1 fact we don't already know

Unluckyalf said:
NASA spent millons of dollars to create a pen to write in zero g.
The Russians used a pencil!

Just to add to this, the space pen idea was a waste of time anyway, since biros work fine in space anyway! (QI factoid ++)
The Chairman of The Football Association, Geoff Thompson, is my second-cousin. "Uncle Geoff" comes to visit my Gran often and brings her all the freebies from his foreign trips.
Americas Gross Domestic product is 10.5 Trillian dollars

The United Kingdoms Gross domestic product is 1.5 Trillion Dollars

The 32 poorest african nations Gross Domestic Product combined is 37 billion dollars :(
I am related to Terry Pratchett, he is my second cousin, once removed, if that makes sense! and yet I have never met him unfortunately.

Gilly said:

But we already knew that one ;)

Well I apologise if you already did, but I refer you to your first comment so be nice :)

Gilly said:
No punishment if you're not the only one to know it

OK I’ll try A few strange laws this time :D

It is illegal to get fish drunk in Oklahoma
In Tennesse, it's illegal for a female to drive a motor vehicle, unless there's a man on the hood of the car, with a shot gun which is used to shoot off rounds of ammunition to alert oncoming drivers that there is a women at the wheel
It is always helpful to have a law that clearly defines when a person is legally intoxicated. In Kentucky, anyone who has been drinking is considered sober until he or she cannot hold onto the ground.
Redwalar said:
Well I apologise if you already did, but I refer you to your first comment so be nice :)
I was being nice, and I prompted you to come back with better ones :D
Exentia said:
did you just.....nah you couldnt....omg you did :o :p

no really it does mean a wales vagina google it ;)

scholars maintain that the translation was lost centuries ago....

let's agree to disagree shall we? :p
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