ITT you tell us 1 fact we don't already know

Brynn said:
propper use of ' there?
No where near :p

The great wall of china can NOT be seen from space by the naked eye. The ridge that it's on however can.
The fluorescent yellow football that is now used by all teams in the winter months, was first used in the English league in a game between Mansfield and Barnet.
ElRazur said:
Ive heard that before and iirc you got it mixed up or so, hopefully someone will point it out.

no she has it correct :) Venus rotates on its axis very slowly, so a day on Venus equates to about 240 days on Earth (roughly) where as it orbits the sun every 220 Earth days, again roughly

beaten to it :(
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Yewen said:
Why is that?

Tomatoes, Green (raw Potatoes)

These foods are members of the Solanaceae family of plants, which includes the Deadly Nightshade, and contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal symptoms. The Feline Future web site offers a rare description of a cat which was close to death from ingesting just one cherry tomato

Matblack said:
megzy is 16



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