iTunes 11 is utter...

Hate iTunes. Why things have to be this complicated is beyond me. Why can't we just drag and drop like every other portable device?

I love my apple devices but iTunes is so overcomplicated and unintuitive.

They invented a phone my 3 year old can use, yet software that a rocket scientist would struggle with.
Seems iTunes 11 is definitely like marmite, Can't say I've got any issue's with it at all, does exactly what I want it to do
Hate iTunes. Why things have to be this complicated is beyond me. Why can't we just drag and drop like every other portable device?

I love my apple devices but iTunes is so overcomplicated and unintuitive.

I don't see whats unintuitive about ticking boxes for which artists/albums you want then letting it organise it properly for you?

Unless you like the organisation game for music...
If this is one of the reasons I can't just copy induvidual photos/folders onto my iPad then delete the folders on the computer then...

What software can I use to put music and images onto my iPad withough using the useless sync option? Using Lion
Touchscreen MacBooks? I agree, it wouldn't be a good move. Muscle fatigue anyone?

They'll be here sooner or later, trust me.

The fatigue/gorilla arm issue is unfortunately one of those things that gets repeated often enough, especially since Jobs himself declared it, that people just accept it as fact.

The MBA would be a good candidate, particularly the smaller version.
MBA doesn't need touch screen. The multi-touch trackpad takes care of all of my "touch" requirements.
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