iTunes - 12 Days of Christmas... it's that time again.

Best items I remember were Life of Pi book, pilot House episode (hadn't seen it before), Bejeweled App.

This year hasn't been up to those standards.
My understanding is that app developers don't get any kind of $$$ from Apple for being featured in this promotion. The app developer agrees to drop the price of their app to free for nothing but a bit of advertising in return.
My understanding is that app developers don't get any kind of $$$ from Apple for being featured in this promotion. The app developer agrees to drop the price of their app to free for nothing but a bit of advertising in return.

Tbh, the size of the audience would outweigh the loss of profit if I were an app developer.
Also, most apps now have In App Purchasing so would recover costs easily.
The highest grossing app in the App Store is a free one :)
Day 10... another cookery book

Not a bad book, and I missed thr first one.
Avtually has quite a few things I would try and with ingredients you can get easily instead of some of the random stuff other cooking apps seem to use.

Slightly dissapponted the whole book isn't free though...
As cook books go it's okay.

Sure it's quick and easy : peppered tuna steaks.
Get tuna steaks, cut into portions, add pepper and a side salad - done.
I like the cookbook - it's got a beautiful presentation with lovely photos and you can touch on each ingredient for more details.
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