iTunes - doing it wrong?

18 Oct 2002
I've never really used iTunes and certainly never bought anything from there... until last night.

I'd been given a £25 voucher and as I'm off on the train tomorrow thought I might buy an audio book. I chose The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow.

So I redeem the voucher, buy the thing and download it, so far so good. However it has downloaded as two files, each a bit over 4hrs long. I also had to enter my password to authorise it to play and it said something about only being able to do this on five machines.

So... the problem is that I want to listen to it on my Sandisk Sansa. If I just copy over these two larger files they aren't going to play are they? What's the solution here, I didn't think iTunes had DRM anymore? Any way to split it into more manageable chunks so I'm not left haven't to skip through a couple of hours of one file to pick up where I left off?

So far the whole thing seems a bit naff, am I doing it wrong?
I believe that audiobooks within iTunes are still DRMd. I've bought a couple recently and they show as 'Protected AAC audio' files.

If you have the time, you can do a cheeky re-record in something like VLC where you set the input source to be your normal audio output, turn off the speakers and record out to a new MP3 file in realtime.

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it's just that audiobooks still have DRM.
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