iTunes ripping CD music what settings ?

EVH was basically inferring that apple lossless is inferior to WAV when it quite clearly isn't.

I never said it was inferior, just that I didn't trust the format to use in a production environment.
That's a totally seperate issue though. I'd never use a compressed format during production because what's the point of using CPU cycles to constantly decompress something when you could use them to run more plugins. However if your machine is quick enough to work with the compressed files on the fly and the other software you use has no issues working with Apple Lossless then there's no reason grounded in reality why it would be a bad idea to use it.

This "trust" thing you keep referring to isn't based on anything tangible, it's just a badly formed opinion.

Lossless audio compression is basically taking the raw PCM data and zipping it up, except the algorithms are tailored for audio data and hence achieve better compression rates. If you don't trust Apple Lossless then I hope you don't ever do something as crazy as use archives to send multiple files around to people.
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I never said it was inferior, just that I didn't trust the format to use in a production environment.

no you didn't say it. that's why i used the word inferred. you inferred it when you "fixed" that other guy's post.

and what your music production has to do with anything, i don't know - and you didn't even mention that at the time of your first post either. :)
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