If you have money in the bank, use that to pay off the loan you have already then use the £229 / month you save to save up 1.5K on your own, and earn interest rather than pay it.
I understand what you all saying but if i pay off the rest of my loan my interest is way higher.
If i get this loan, i get £1500 and £20 a month more in repayments. I'm not in the cack and have quite a bit of money in the bank.
I just want to get the lower APR and i have worked it out that i get £600 back in my pocket (non being paid on interest).
HSBC never mentioned any charges? They just said i have £7500 left to pay but i can pay it off today for £6500....?
Therefore why wouldnt they tell me of hidden charges?
HSBC never mentioned any charges? They just said i have £7500 left to pay but i can pay it off today for £6500....?
Therefore why wouldnt they tell me of hidden charges?
Right guys,
I have applied for a loan.
I have 3 years / 7.5k left to pay on my loan (£229 a month). If i take out a loan for £8k (36 months) my repayments are £249 and i can pay off the existing loan and will be left with 1.5k.
I have applied with Santander & Tesco. I applied at 7pm Friday evening. How long does it take before i hear anything?
Can i phone them up and find out my decision that way?
Right guys,
I have applied for a loan.
I have 3 years / 7.5k left to pay on my loan (£229 a month). If i take out a loan for £8k (36 months) my repayments are £249 and i can pay off the existing loan and will be left with 1.5k.
I have applied with Santander & Tesco. I applied at 7pm Friday evening. How long does it take before i hear anything?
Can i phone them up and find out my decision that way?
If the answer was yes then you would almost certainly have been told within a few minutes.
Applying for a loan with two companies simultaneously would damage the chances of either saying yes also.
I think a phone call to find out their decision would be the best option, but I wouldn't hold out much hope tbh.
If you are unsuccessful then I would suggest waiting at least 6 months before making another application and this time only one at a time, each time you make an application the company will do a search of the credit reference agencies and if it sees that you have applied for credit on a regular basis unsuccessfully or have applied to more than one company at any given time it will turn you down assuming either you are in financial difficulty or are attempting fraud.
I don't have enough to pay the loan off and its currently with HSBC. You have to pay it all off or monthly as agreed. My remainder is £7500 but my settlement figure is £6500.