ive doen it ! i kicked my CSS adiction

i have a bit of a DOD:S addiction at the moment, seriously taking up time, mainly for the nice mature social atmosphere and the intense teamwork

never really got into CS:S have a game every now and then, but not really my thing, not being very good and having to sit out the rest of the round after being killed sucks.
but the other day, i was playing dust_2 rest of the team were killed there were about 6 terroists left, with the AK i picked up off a terrorist, i managed to take out every remaining terrorist left one by one, then defuse the bomb to win the round, it was quite a rush as it was the first time i have ever been in that situation and came out on top, with every kill i could feel the excitment build up, by the end of it i had a big grin on my face and was shaking a bit, as i said i suck so it was a big suprise to me, but i can understand how it could be very addictive.
this may sound a little sad... but do you guys thing to much adrenelin is bad for you !

steve 45... i know exactly what you mean. ive been in situations liek that too "ma hearst beatin, ma hands are shakin... BOOM HEADSHOT" adrenelin is really pumpin out... because of a game !! shurly that cant be good for you night after night.. maybe it will de-sensitie you to exciting moments lol... anyone ca4e for a biology lesson ?

lol btw... i got adicted to DOD:s the first night of plaing it... but soon wore off when i realised you NEED ** mates to play it with you. my score was 25 - 3 lol couldntbelieve it. glad that one went down the pan too though lol :P
neoboy said:
I kicked my CS:S addiction almost a year ago. I just started playing WoW and BF2 in unhealthy amounts.

yep this is how u get rid of ** css addiction, install warcraft ... and wave goodbye to the remaining threads of your life :D

too be honest i never got into css that much, was totally addicted to cs, but got bored to death of that a bit before 1.6 came out... only played css out of bordom with nothing else to take its place
I could never get into css, I bought hl2 and completed it singleplayer. I tried CS:S because it came with hl2 but it was just boring really. Very slow and campy, but I've never been into any of these emulations of being in the army etc, just don't see the fun in them.

I never got into cs either, I tried it for a few weeks and got asked into a few clans but it was just as boring.
CSS is easier I find, in BF2 I have to concentrate more and pay attention more. On CSS I have time to join in all the kid banter of "OWNED NOOB" in bf2 its hush and play type game.

I played bf2 for a while then got bored and went back to CSS.
lol btw... i got adicted to DOD:s the first night of plaing it... but soon wore off when i realised you NEED ** mates to play it with you.

urgh what you mean ? i play on many a server with no one i know
i played a lot of cs, then 2 years ago it stopped, then bfs happened!!! now i'm back on cs:s ..... lol i'm sure i'll do bf2 again soon .. lol
fullfat said:
like what? i hate bf2 because of it - the new patch that is

Originally Posted by chopchop
dont u find bf2 winds u up more than cs ?"

you: "not with that new patch that came out, i almost threw my chair at my mother!"

Bf2 first patch made me hate it quite abit uninstall bf2 and reinstall the whole game.

End of day EA games I find are pushed out too quickly and buggy requiring patches. Personally am not a fan boy of EA games from experience of BF2 and other games they bring out. I just feel sorry for EA games on consoles that can't be updated and patched etc :(
whats wrong with the new patch ? i had a game earlier (sf not bf2) and i couldn't jump and fire... also i heard planes are no longer godlike ... both are good things unless ** a planewhore .. and if u were i hope ** enjoying css we wont miss u ;) ;)

As for DOD i played the free trial the other weekend, and its possible that it being free for a couple of days brought out the noobs but i was top of pretty much every roung i played without even trying.. definitely wont buy the game if its that easy to pwn.. plus nobody was assisting on the flag captures in favour of getting themselves killed running around like headless chickens
well i picked up bf2 a few weeks after it was released and instantly fell in love with it, bought SF too when that was released and thought id never play anything else. i thought there were things that needed fixing, a lot that didnt that EA/dice have balls'ed up now with this 1.2 patch. i tried a few times after it was released to enjoy a decent game of bf2 but i found it is far to difficult/easy.random to kill and be killed and it just wasnt constant enough for me, compared to how it was before anyways. no point inblubbering anyways, i got rid now.
the game was quite well ballanced before this patch imho, all they had to do was fix the annoying things like the red/blue team mate id thing so you didnt teamkill. those things annoyed me but istill enjoyed the game.
1.2 just removed all enjoyment for me im afraid.
Counter Strike source on my machine is played less and less these days, last time I played was about 2 weeks ago, and that was just to get away from Battlefield 2 for a while.

Its a fun game sure, but battlefield 2 is just better for fun in my opinion.

Next up, red orchastra :)
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