I've got to do a school assembly tomorrow - any ideas?

23 May 2004
Tomorrow, as part of my duties as Deputy Head Boy of my all-boys school, I'm supposed to do an assembly on any topic to years 10 & 11. It's with the Head Boy, and i'm sure we could rope in some other sixth formers to help. The trouble is, neither of us can come up with a decent idea. It's the difficulty of trying to have a decent assembly, but with a few gags, and the fun that a typical sixth-form-led assembly requires. Any of you have any ideas on topics/methods?
I know it's the Fair Trade fortnight this week, so perhaps something alongs those lines might be topical? We'd thought of some sort of weird blind-date with fair trade foods thing, but i'm not sure how that would go down.

Yes, I know we've left it a bit late, but please, help me fellow OcUK'ers! :)

Many thanks,

Make sure you put as many of the schools long standing jokes in there as possible. Make it cringeworthy!
Andr3w said:
Sex education

Because thats helpful.

Unsure if you'd have enough time for this, doubt it but still, demonstrating how to make a Fair Trade product? Could make it a "Ready Steady Cook" style thing.

Okay you may have to do that for your NEXT assembly.

Worse comes to worse, read a story..yes it does work. My headteacher read a children's book to our entire 6th form year. Including character voices. :cool:

lucasade1 said:
Head boy?

Do you go to a private school by any chance?

Surely every school has a Head Boy and Head Girl..and Deputies for each. :confused:
Nope, it's a state school. I'm not sure that pulling a sicky would work, I have to perform the assembly three times, once to yrs 10-11, once to 7-9, and another to lower sixth.

You could dig out some of those old Public Information films, there's a load of them somewhere on t'internet. They should be good for a laugh, and a retrospective look at the way we were supposed to think back in the 50s/60s/70s.

You could weave some kind of message in there, like the change in social values or something...

edit: Try the National Archives
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Phog said:
How many all-boy state schools are there?
There are 2 within 5 minutes of my house...
I was also Deputy Head Boy/Vice School Captain, I would've relied on the head boy to come up with the ideas, I was in it only for the title :) (although we never had to do anything like what you are).
retribution said:
and i'm sure we could rope in some other sixth formers to help.
Hha, I never 'roped' anyone in to help, it's all about ordering Prefects to do it, they had to help
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SideWinder said:
Surely every school has a Head Boy and Head Girl..and Deputies for each.
None of the schools that I have ever been to or have known the pupils of have had a head girl or head boy with the exception of Gordonstoun.

What are the purpose of these assemblies? (I have of course been to assemblies myself but they wouldn't have been structured anything like what the OP is doing). If you have done this before what kind of things have you already done - it might help people come up with other ideas.
Thanks for the replies, keep the ideas coming :) Like the idea about some form of ready steady cook; and i lack any form of dvd recorder to do the public information films, but a good idea nevertheless.
I've never done something like this myself, but past assemblies done by other years have normally been a bit of a waste of time. No messages, just general pointlessness, so not much to live up to, but i'd still like to make it worthwhile!
As for the point to these assemblies, I guess they give the teachers a break from doing them.
We don't have prefects, just Head Boy and Deputy.

Thanks again,

Stringy said:
There are 2 within 5 minutes of my house...

Ah fair enough, thought it was only really grammar / independant schools that were single sex these days.
Do 'the effects of drug' but mime it and have the guy with the deepest voice do I public information broadcast type voice over.

"Little Billy has been doing smack, look at his vacant expression and lack of libido!"

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