Ive just been mugged by cod black ops

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I hope so as there is no reason why it would stutter when all the other COD games that use this engine does not.

This is exactly the reason it will be fixed, nobody believes that they won't make a patch or hotfix, anybody who does are idiots.
cod4 was an fantastic game so when mwf2 was released i bought it and although i enjoyed it i still had a slightly bitter taste in my mouth as it was just as visually polished up cod4 which was starting to go more console like with the removal of the dedicated servers(why?)
with the release of the latest black ops! i told myself NO!!! dont bother getting it ! its just the same game with a few added sparkly bits!
Then today for some strange reason i came home from work and paid £40 for it and waited for the download to finish.
I can honestly say that i have just finished playing it for a couple of hours ....
And boy was i wrong about my doubts of what this game would be like!!!
Its !!!! wait for it ......Ten times worse than mwf2!!!!

What the hell have they done to it?
It was like i'd gone back in time and was playing cod1 on a playstation 1 or something ! well thats only a little over exaggeration but come on!
it looks crap... I thought graphics were supposed to improve as time goes on but that is a disgrace and I am very p****d off with myself for buying such a cheap ass cobbled together load of ****.
im sure this crap wouldnt of made my old dell break a sweat it looks so bad!
does anyone else agree and feel totally ripped off by black ops?
I agree the game is complete rubbish & I wasted £34.99 on it then uninstalled after completing the SP & trying out the ancient Zombies & MP modes (which must surely belong in the 1990's as they sure look like it!). Will never ever return to it either.

Some people are easily pleased though & love this game :rolleyes: despite it being vastly inferior to both COD4 & MW2 in every way just because it has dedicated servers that means it must be great right :rolleyes:

If it did not have the Call Of Duty brand attached it would sink without a trace as it offers nothing whatsoever which many other PC games have not done so much better :(
Its not that bad. Needs a few tweaks which will hopefully come in a patch soon. I've never been a big fan of the stuff treyarch do but this isn't terrible.

One thing I would say tho - not much skill required, I kill pretty much everything I vaguely aim at without even trying.

Can't stand people who moan about the perks and stuff tho... aside from the odd one that needs tweaking they don't unbalance the game at all if you learn to play it properly.
either you need glasses or you,re a console gamer because visually the image detail in the game has dropped dramaticly:cool:

Graphics on my machine looks pretty awesome if im honest.. the gameplay in SP is awesome. The MP is very deep imho, better than just gaining levels and insta earning all your gear etc. Nice and customisable.

Must admit, i am totally useless at the game, but i guess the skill will come in time :)

honestly can't see why so many people are moaning about it being crap :/

only problem i can see atm is the "lag" issue, personally I've not had it, but i know some are. which im sure will be solved pretty quickly.
Is this forum turning into a breeding ground for the idiots who keep Activision in business? So you got burned by MW2, how dumb do you have to be to then pay £40 for BO? A month away from christmas where if you HAVE to get it it will be on offer, albeit for a pitiful discount.
SP is pretty awesome so far. Only on the 5th or so mission though.

Haven't really tried MP as its too laggy right now and zombie mode for me doesn't connect.
I have to agree that the game is a dissapointment.
Graphically it looks very good and the sound effects are great but the gameplay in SP is poor, I have yet to try MP.
Performance on my rig is nothing to shout about, 2x6870 and there does seem to be FPS issues.

My problem is that I just finished playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 a few days before buying this and quite honestly, Bad Company 2 is a better game in every department.
Despite all of MW2's negative aspects and BO's amazingly bad launch everyone will still buy the next COD anyway. Why would they bother with any kind of quality control when it sells in record numbers anwyay?
Is this forum turning into a breeding ground for the idiots who keep Activision in business? So you got burned by MW2, how dumb do you have to be to then pay £40 for BO? A month away from christmas where if you HAVE to get it it will be on offer, albeit for a pitiful discount.

I think you are rather HARSH we just want something new to play and the Call of Duty series we think were going to get the good old days back :rolleyes: ok ok we was wrong :(

what i don't understand is why the same engine yet so many issues ? i know there will be a patch and that's good to know at least.
If you thought Black Ops would be something new, then Evilsod is right. Black Ops appears to be no more than a modified version of MW2.
Despite all of MW2's negative aspects and BO's amazingly bad launch everyone will still buy the next COD anyway. Why would they bother with any kind of quality control when it sells in record numbers anwyay?

aparently theres 3 different cod games in devlopment from 3 different dev teams :confused:
Reading this makes me very happy indeed. I was burnt forking out for new MOH a few weeks back... finished the SP and a few gos on the MP, uninstalled a long a go.... wadda disappointment but I wanted to give the game the benefit of my doubt. I'm glad i didn't get sucked in by the hype machine on this one... roll on Diablo III
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