Jag, Land Rover, Tata

People who drive LS600 Lexus or Range Rovers are not interested in saving the planet - dont they understand this! If they were they would drive Prius'!!

Uh, no.....they'd drive whatever it is the Jeep Wrangler has current morphed into, since across the lifetime of the car it is actually better for the environment than a Prius. Or, maybe, they'd drive something older since building a brand new car is horrible to the environment versus using an old one.

But no. Grauniad readers won't have that. We must drive Priuses, or Polo Bluemotions, or Smarts, or anything with a thin veneer of "Eco" on top. Hey ho. My thoughts are - if you want to be "Eco", don't buy a new car. And if you must, then buy the most basic Fiat Panda you can since it'll do more for your Green credentials (in real terms, that is) than most new cars.
Uh, no.....they'd drive whatever it is the Jeep Wrangler has current morphed into, since across the lifetime of the car it is actually better for the environment than a Prius. Or, maybe, they'd drive something older since building a brand new car is horrible to the environment versus using an old one.

That Hummer test was rubbish, it compared a 300k mile Hummer to a 100k Prius.
I dread the day the Range Rover Hybrid comes out that TATA are talking about! A range rover with one axle powered by the engine and the other powered by batteries! Sounds horrendous! People who drive LS600 Lexus or Range Rovers are not interested in saving the planet - dont they understand this! If they were they would drive Prius'!!

I was working on hybrid Land Rovers when Ford still owned them. Theres nothing wrong with silent driving and navigating around the silly CO2 taxes.
Couple of years ago I bought a 2004 2.0 V6 X-Type Jag. Absolutely awful reliability, I had nothing but hassles with it. Glad to see the back of it.

I may have just been unlucky but it put me off Jaguars for life. Would not touch another with a barge pole. It was that bad. :eek:
You're assuming of course that Tata is a poorer .

As a small but reasoanble example: did the quality of Tetley tea suddenly dive when Tata bought the brand?

The guy who owns Tata is one of the richest in the world, it's a vast empire, only going to get vaster as the Nano is rolled out in the parts of the world it is designed for.

Just look how well Tata are doing with one of there other brands Corus.
Just look how well Tata are doing with one of there other brands Corus.

Wasn't Corus stitched up by several companies walking away from a binding contract?
IIRC the contract should have ensured that they were fine for 10 years, and at least breaking even, in terms of cost, but the customers took in the savings they made under it (committed to buying it at the cost to the factory), then jumped ship and stuck their fingers up the moment the cost to make the steel by corus went above the market rate.
Considering that Jaguar has made a loss for the last 7 years and Land Rover has made a profit for the last 5 years it would seem that the lazy Rover relics win hands down over there Jaguar counterparts.

i worked at Land Rover for 15 years since i was 19,i saved up a load of money and started my own business after leaving in 2008,Jaguar has not been selling for a long time however Land Rover made record profits 2 years ago witha turnover of 2.2 billion,if there are going to shut any i think it will CB(Jaguar),also the ground at Land Rover is built on rafters so i dont think they wiull be moving it anytime soon as building houses on it is a no no....even though Jaguar is doomed i think,the Jaguar Xf is a fantastic car ,so good that i bought one :-)
i worked at Land Rover for 15 years since i was 19,i saved up a load of money and started my own business after leaving in 2008,Jaguar has not been selling for a long time however Land Rover made record profits 2 years ago witha turnover of 2.2 billion,if there are going to shut any i think it will CB(Jaguar),also the ground at Land Rover is built on rafters so i dont think they wiull be moving it anytime soon as building houses on it is a no no....even though Jaguar is doomed i think,the Jaguar Xf is a fantastic car ,so good that i bought one :-)

Staff discount? :p
Landrover would do a whole lot better if they improved on 2 things, build quality and reliability!

Both are shockingly bad even on new vehicles, its the only "car" ive ever bought that leaked from the factory (water in, oil out etc) and needed a warranty and breakdown cover, sadly im an addict and buy them regardless
Landrover would do a whole lot better if they improved on 2 things, build quality and reliability!

Both are shockingly bad even on new vehicles, its the only "car" ive ever bought that leaked from the factory (water in, oil out etc) and needed a warranty and breakdown cover, sadly im an addict and buy them regardless

Cant say ive ever noticed issues with build quality on their range rover products really? Unreliability perhaps, but thats par for the course with anything sold under a "luxury" guise :(
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