James’s Epic Build (Log) ft. Singularity Computer Spectre Case

Sorry for no build yet. Still waiting on case. Some updates. Second PC is built so I can still survive without a computer when this is built.

I have decided to stick with dual gpus. I have a zotac sli bridge and I am not a fan on how it looked. So, i scavenged a heat sink off of my old z97 msi motherboard. Its a dark brushed metal which fits with the theme of my build, then took of some stickers and dremeled off some red paint and it looks pretty good.

Still making decisions on fluid color and if I should delid the 7820x.

I dont need the extra speed or cooler temps, but thought it would go with the overkill theme, thoughts?
Never really OCed before but for the built in profiles that MSI and Asus have in there bios. Being I wanted to test the waters, i used Intel Extreme Tuning Utility so I can see the effect without all the restarting

Best I could do with a Coolermaster 212 evo cooling the chip. Pretty happy with 4.85k at 1.24v. Delidder is on order and will go ham once its actually cooled by water.

That Spectre case is so amazing that I am sure the wait will be worth it!
I cannot comment on the delid as I never overclock and just like PC build aesthetics.
Quick video on the fans on my rads


Also, I have added some sleeving to the cables that connect my fans. Being they aren't standard connectors that I can replace, i went with SATA size and just went over the connectors. It makes for some thicker looking cables, but I still think it looks good. I also could have cut these up and shorten them, but its 5 small wires, not sure its worth it. What are your thoughts, should I trim them all down?

Ha, thanks. No real updates. I have been working on my lighting set up.

Current lighting plan is the fans down from the top and from the left. The ram and ekwb block on the cpu are RGB and will light up the top side of the motherbord.

I ordered the gpu blocks before ek offered the RGB, so I wanted to add to the lighting around the gpus. See below for the couple of strips i will run behind the gpus.

I also want to run a strip along the back plate to light that up, but will need to wait for the case to figure out how to run the cables or where I might hid it.

Also, not loving the alphacool logo on the rads. So, current solution is some brushed alum stickers.


First pic with the green and grey :)

Had never heard of that case manufacturer before but looks very interesting, will definitely be keeping my eye on this one :)

Thanks. Yea, this is their first case. Singularity computers is a custom pc builder in Australia that has a variety of watercooling components , this is their first time with a case though. What's unusual is that its being produced in the US. So, not sure how much on hands efforts were completed by them.

Ive been following Singularity Computers on Youtube for a couple of years now, A couple of their videos have been detailing the design and manufacture of the Spectre prototype. I imagine they've farmed the mass production of the case out to the states to keep the costs down and the profit up?
I am not sure if that's a cheaper option. I am guessing they were expecting a larger % of their customers being in the USA. So being able to have it built, assembled, and shipped here might have other benefits.
No case still, but its given me time to work on my sli bridge. As singularity asked me if I wanted my logo cut into the back manifold, i thought I would draw one up and work it into the build. So, i am designing the sli bridge around that. Here are some photos of that. Also, the ekwb i have for the gpus were before they offered the rgb ones. As such, i am making an rgb strip that will like each of those blocks as well as the sli bridge.

Builds not dead. Lots of posts from singularity on spectre cases in process. Heres to something soon. While waiting, picked up this gem for the overkill build.
Starting my product highlights being my case is a few weeks away. Just set up my area to take photos and my first attempt at proper photos. Pretty happy with the results.

Sadly, this build has been cancelled. I received the case, see photo, but in the time between ordering and receiving, I have decided to go a different route. I will be completing a build log on that once, the entire build is done so I don't come off as a tease like this one. Sorry to disappoint. The Spectre is for sale, so please message me if interested.

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