Jaws on TV

I dunno to be honest i think it looked quite gd and acutally looked better than say a cgi shark. I even still winced watchin him get eatin on the boat.

optimus said:
Just flicked over...

How pathetic does this look nowadays.....

Not at all. Still a great film.

You go in the cage...

...cage goes in the salsa...

...shark's in the salsa...

...our shark.

Fantastic film, first time I watched it a certain scene made me jump 6" off the settee :D Still the only film that's managed to do that :)
One of the best films ever made. The story, pacing, camera work and sound manage to build up a suspense that no film has ever been able to match which, IMO, results in a cinematic masterpiece.

I think it's sad that films like 300 and Transformers do so well at the box office because it makes the likelihood of another film as good as Jaws being released even more remote. No brain CGI packed films for no brain CGI obsessed people seems to be the way we're heading :(
Pigeon_Killer said:
One of the best films ever made. The story, pacing, camera work and sound manage to build up a suspense that no film has ever been able to match which, IMO, results in a cinematic masterpiece.

I think it's sad that films like 300 and Transformers do so well at the box office because it makes the likelihood of another film as good as Jaws being released even more remote. No brain CGI packed films for no brain CGI obsessed people seems to be the way we're heading :(

they are both great films in their own right. thats not to say we dont like films that major on story telling like i dunno...memento for instance.
The more I watch this film over the years the better it gets.

The atmosphere in the boat while they are drinking at night is excellent.

Completely disagree with the OP. You can pick the effects apart if you must but they far outweigh half the garbage that can be knocked up on CGI still. This film is not really about the special effects so much for me, you hardly see the shark - it's the constant tension Spielberg created through the film.
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penski said:
Not at all. Still a great film.

You go in the cage...

...cage goes in the salsa...

...shark's in the salsa...

...our shark.


Robert Shaw's monologue about the USS Indianapolis is a superb moment - even if he does grossly exaggerates the number of men killed by sharks (nearly all the dead died of thirst).

And the boy getting it on the lilo as well - another brilliant scene.

droolinggimp said:
Porthole and head spring to mind?:p

Me too.

That wasn't even going to be in the movie because, well the story goes, Speilberg didn't think it was the done thing to scare the crap out of the audience twice in a short space of time. Or something along those lines anyway.
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