Jaws on TV

I love this movie, I still havent bought this on DVD purly for the fact i kinda get excited when it comes on TV and that i dont want to watch it to death.

Although i do want to see the special features on the DVD after watching it again. :p

Has anyone got the SE DVD? Whats the commentary and features like??
MookJong said:
You don't have a clue, if your watching it for the shark then you don't understand the film.

Well said.

Jaws is my favourite film of all. As a lad it scared me silly :D , but now I absolutely love it. Robert Shaw is superb and as a result of this film I've always liked Roy "You're gonna need a bigger boat" Scheider too.

Top stuff, and waaaayyyy better than the book, which lacks any tension or pacing whatsoever.

I just pray the soulless Hollywood Money Men never feel the urge to remake it.
Master_X said:
I love this movie, I still havent bought this on DVD purly for the fact i kinda get excited when it comes on TV and that i dont want to watch it to death.

Although i do want to see the special features on the DVD after watching it again. :p

Has anyone got the SE DVD? Whats the commentary and features like??

I don't think Spielberg likes DVD commentaries. I'm sure he said something at one time about them spoiling the magic... Which is a shame, because a good DVD commentary (, for example The Thing with John Carpenter and Kurt Russell,) can be very entertaining.
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Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain......

Classic film, still beats most of what comes out of America today.
optimus said:
How pathetic does this look nowadays
Philistine! :p
£3 for the 2 disk special edition from a number of supermarkets, can't complain ;)

/picked up that version + the set with 2-4 for under a tenner
penski said:
Not at all. Still a great film.

You go in the cage...

...cage goes in the salsa...

...shark's in the salsa...

...our shark.


"Quint: [seeing Hooper's equipment] What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut?
[examining the shark cage]
Quint: Jesus H Christ, when I was a boy, every little squirt wanted to be a harpooner or a sword fisherman. What d'ya have there - a portable shower or a monkey cage?
Hooper: Anti-Shark cage.
Quint: Anti-shark cage. You go inside the cage?
[Hooper nods]
Quint: Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water. Our shark.
Quint: Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again."

With regards to the OP, yes the shark does indeed look pretty fake doesn't it!

To that extend it is a testament to the quality of the film that you suspend the disbelief and get fully engrossed in the story. Probably one of my top five movies of all time, I stayed up till 2-3am when it was last on ITV and I could watch it over and over.

Definitely the best bits are when they are all swapping stories at night, and when they build Cooper's cage and lower it down.. makes me shudder just thinking about it all :)
It may look dated, but I remember my Uncle taking me to see this when it came out and I was about 12/13 I think and it scared the pants off me, still a superb film to me. :)
optimus said:
Just flicked over...
How pathetic does this look nowadays.....

Personaly I still think it looks really good. Sure the shark is rubber and all that, but as a film it still looks excellent. I'm suprised anyone could think this film looks pathetic. From the opening driev through town, to the sands and attacks, then out in to the open sea I'd say it looks anything but pathetic.

As for the shark, well it's still the best looking shark ever created for the movies. If you want to see a pathetic looking shark check out Deep blue Sea. Now that once looked cool, but a 1999 CGI shark dont hold a tooth to the 1975 rubber blubber from Universal Studios.
penski said:
Randal Graves:
Salsa shark. We're gonna need a bigger boat. Man goes into cage, cage goes into salsa, shark's in the salsa.


sorry missed the link to clerks :)

and i watched that again the other day :(

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