JBOD / Raid0

21 Feb 2004
Hi, im planning to order 2 500gb drives for storage only, with occasional access to the files, certainly not daily access, thus performance is not critical. What is however, is that I want them to appear as 1 single large drive of 1000gb (930gb actual). Im am planning to store all my video editing projects on there, so high fault tolerance/ reliability of the system would be desired. Should i choose JBOD or RAID0 in that case. Both my sata ports are full, thus i have 2 spair raid slots on the mobo, so if i went with JBOD id have to buy a PCI Sata Card which i dont mind doing if JBOD will be more reliable. So which should i choose?

Thanks :)
^ So by RAIDing two discs (aside from raid5 etc) actually increase the risk of failure? I may end up going for just one 500gb drive and picking up a 1tb+ drive 12months+ up the line. I have a Asus P4C800E Deluxe, the raid ports cant be used for non raid discs right? And if i buy a Sata Raid PCI card, can i just plug a single disc in there, even though its a raid card.
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rpstewart said:
You can run the Silicon Image RAID ports in non RAID mode quite happily on the P4C800E, I did exactly that when I was running with that board.

Thanks for that info matey, i was always told it was raid only, youve just saved me £20 :) Any change of settings etc needed to use them>
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