Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Only a minor update as I have been a bit under the weather since start of play Thursday. Should be heading back in tomorrow.

In the past few days I have had my first follow up session with my Chiropractor and we retested my left shoulder's rotator cuff. It has shown some progress with the exercises I have been given but will need another appointment in 6 weeks just to check on the progress. He really got in and manipulated my shoulder and stuck me with a few needles for good measure.

Today I saw my therapist for massage and cupping. Not having any niggles present at the moment she stripped through my back and legs to make sure all was doing fine. Happy to report nothing to be concerned with at the moment.

Fingers crossed i'll be back to Barbell Club tomorrow.
On Sundays we get some barbell time in.

15:00 Coach Led Warmup



E2MOM 10:00

Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean

E2MOM 10:00

Clean Deadlift + Clean

E2MOM 10:00


*Aim to set the heaviest load for each set*

This was great fun. I used the first 10:00 to warm up and started light moving the weight up quickly before hitting some good numbers for sets 2 and 3. Weights went as follows:

1. 50/60/70/80/90

2. 95/100/102.5/105/107.5

3. 110/112.5/115 - - - - 2 x 117.5kg Fails

Really happy to hit some solid numbers. I managed to get under the 117.5kg but couldn't stand it up, legs had started to fatigue. So 5kg below my clean PB was great.
Ok so I was feeling a little ropey this morning. Just wanted to head in and get a small sweat on and probably scale. But programming wasn't in my favour.

Hero WOD "Contact 22"

  • 200 meter Run
  • 22 Snatches (40Kg)
  • 22 Pull-Ups
  • 22 Medicine Ball Cleans (20lb)
  • 22 Elbow Plank to Push-Ups
  • 22 Wall Balls (20lb)
  • 22 Deadlifts (40Kg)
  • 22 Air Squats
  • 22 Overhead Walking Lunges (20Kg plate)
  • 22 Box Jumps (24")
  • 22 Power Cleans (40Kg)
  • 2x20 second Bar Hang
  • 22 Calorie Row
  • 22 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 22 Back Squats (40Kg)
  • 22 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
  • 22 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 22 Thrusters (40Kg)
  • 22 Jerks (40Kg)
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 22 Overhead Squats (40Kg)
  • 22 Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
Sooooo I just cruised today. Just wanted to get some reps in without killing myself. I broke up almost every set into smaller chunks whereas I would usually have been able to go unbroken on some sets. I hit cap with 32 reps left, I spent quite a lot of time catching my breath, going to get a tissue and just being a lemon as I was feeling terrible. On the plus side the gymnastic movements of Pullups/Chest to Bars/Handstands felt really good and smooth.

My PB on this workout is just over 35 minutes so I was waaaaaay behind. But hey, we got work done, did some sweating. Now I can die (I mean rest) for the rest of the day.
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Warm Up 9:00

3 Rounds

15 x Air Squats
10 x Hand Release Pushups
15 x Double Unders

Moved well got warm.

E3MOM for 12:00

5 x Bench Press @ 75%

8 x Box Overs
8 x Handstand Pushups (20Kg Plates)

Did all my sets at 75Kg and box overs/HSPU's were all unbroken.

21:00 Clock

WOD1 7 :00

150 x Double Unders
75 x Situps

5:00 Rest

WOD2 For Time

40 x Alt Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
50 x Wallballs
20/20 Single Arm Dumbell Clean + Jerk (22.5Kg)

Tough workout. Double unders didn't go particularly well, I think I may look at a different style of rope to see if I can get some better results as I do not think I am making any headway at the moment. I finished the first workout in 5:53.

Second workout started at minute 12. Then went unbroken through the snatch, wallballs in 10's, and the clean + jerks were broken down to roughly 10/10 on each side. Finished just inside the cap at 20:52.
Wednesday we got some mixed cardio work in.

15:00 Coach Led Warmup

WOD 36:00 Rolling Clock


1. 15 x Dumbell Thrusters (2 x 22.5Kg)
2 x Rope Climbs

2. 20 x Cal Bike
20 x Pistol Squats (10 Each Leg)

3. 15 x Plyometric Box Jumps (24")
15 x Toes to Bar

4. 20 x Cal Row

Looks very simple, hurt like anything. The main destruction was round 2, managed 12 Pistols in set 1, then 6 in set 2 then died and did 0 in the third set. Got all the other rounds without too much incident just breaking the reps down as I fatigued more and more.

With the CrossFit Open starting this week, the second of the year I have decided to not officially sign up like I did back in February for a few reasons. I'll miss the first workout as it is my first wedding anniversary and my birthday so the wife and I are off this weekend. But the main one is that I just don't feel in the right place to push myself hard for 5 weeks. I'll still do some (probably the other 4) Open workouts and help judge but i'll do so without the stress. I want to wind down the year by getting myself sorted and in a good routine for next year.

This means dialing in my diet again, not that it has become terrible, just be more aware of what I am eating to push myself forward. I am dropping some of the additional days at work I do from January freeing up another 11 days a year for myself. I'd like to add back in swimming and maybe additional sessions at the box where possible,
Back from my weekend away. Wife's friend's wedding, first wedding anniversary and my birthday all at once!

Mondays mainly barbell session

15:00 Warm Up

E2MOM 6:00

Snatch Deadlift @ 50% of 1RM

5 x Pause 1" off the ground, Pause below the knee, Pause above the knee, Pause mid thigh, Pause power position.

Each pause is 2 seconds. So each 5 reps should take about 10 seconds.

All reps done at 50kg. Nice and smooth with good technique.

EMOM 10:00

3 x Snatch
3 x Box Jumps (30")

Simple EMOM that was meant to be done at 60% but I had another snatch EMOM after so went for 40%. 40kg used for all lifts. Definitely would have been miserable at 60kg.

EMOM 10:00

1 x Snatch Lift Off
1 x Snatch

Aiming for 60/60/65/65/70/70/75/75/80/80 as a %. Snatch lift off is just a lift to the knees before then going touch and go for the full snatch. Managed to hit all the weights from 60kg up to hitting both 80kg lifts.
Tuesday was another barbell focused session.

Warm Up 15:00

25 x Weighted Situps
15 x Sumo DL High Pull (30Kg)
20 sec Handstand Hold
15 x Bent Over Row (30Kg)
6 x Candlestick + Squat + Tuck Jump
3/3 Candlestick to Alt Pistol

Good warm up moving well. Candlesticks to alternating pistol squat was quite an interesting movement.

15:00 Clean + Jerk focused stretching

EMOM 10:00

Clean + Jerk

* % targets 50/55/60/65/70/80/85/PYW/PYW*

Did some nice lifting, full squat cleans and did push jerk. Weights as follows 60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100/110kg.

After the session ended I did some muscle up work on the bar and rings.
Sorry to hear about your Dad....

Great to see you back at it - always an insprational blog.

Still plugging away myself - just not updated log myself in ages.

Nearing the end of a 6 week Nutrition challange that most of the gym are doing - going to move into a strength building phase after this is done - another 10 days or so.

Good to see you back at it!!!
Sorry to hear about your Dad....

Great to see you back at it - always an insprational blog.

Still plugging away myself - just not updated log myself in ages.

Nearing the end of a 6 week Nutrition challange that most of the gym are doing - going to move into a strength building phase after this is done - another 10 days or so.

Good to see you back at it!!!

Cheers mate!


Warm Up 8:00

1 - 10

Plate GTOH (20kg)
Sit Ups

Pretty good moderate warm up to get me moving.

Every 10:00 for 30:00

20 x Box Overs (24")
15 x Toes to Bar
20 x Box Jumps (24")
15 x Strict Handstand Pushups (Mat)
20 x Box Jumps (30")
15 x Strict Chest to Bar
100 x Double Unders

A good workout, really happy with all my gymnastics and got to the double unders each 10:00 but never quite got to finish!
Friday team day!

Warm Up 10:00

2 Rounds

20 x Spiderman Lunges
15 x Hollow Rocks
15 x Superman Rocks
10 x Toe Touches
5/5 Windmills
15 x Kettlebell Taters (16kg)
20 x Banded Face Pulls

"Garry Purdham"

In Pairs - 31:00 AMRAP

31 x Burpees
31 x Double Unders
31 x Deadlifts
31 x Push Ups
31 x Box Jumps (24")
31 x Hang Power Cleans (45kg)
31 x Air Squats
31 x Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
31 x Shoulders to Overhead (45kg)
31 x Situps
31 x Cal Row
31 x Wallballs (20lb)

Good fun with a fellow athlete and got 2 rounds + 179 reps. All good movements and felt solid.
Sunday Barbell Club

15:00 Coach Led Warmup

E2MOM 12:00

1 x High Hang Muscle Snatch
1 x Overhead Squat (10 Sec Pause at the bottom)
1 x Overhead Squat

Meant to be quite light at around 30/40% and focus on movement. I started at 30kg before finishing on 35kg.

EMOM 12:00

1 x Snatch Lift Off
1 x Snatch

Same as what I did earlier in the week but slightly longer. Made the same weights again but tried to push the 85kg and hit it in the final minute. Continued on doing full snatch and hit a solid 85kg then 90kg to finish.
Monday Hero Workout

10:00 Warm Up

WOD "Whitten"

5 Rounds - 40:00

22 x Kettlebell Swings (32Kg)
22 x Box Jumps (24")
400m Row
22 x Burpees
22 x Wallballs

This workout was pretty horrible. Non stop gas work for 40 minutes. Not really a good workout for me but I slogged through posting between 8:30-9:30 rounds to complete 4 rounds + 9 in the time cap.

Felt pretty bad at the end!
Tuesday was a more barbell focused day.

Warm Up 12:00

2 Rounds

30 seconds Palloff Hold - Each Side
20/20 Monster Walks
15 x Bent Over Rows (20kg)
30 seconds Overhead Stretch - Each Side
3 x 10 sec Pause Front Squats (20Kg)

A good warm up today really hit the body well to get moving.

E2MOM 8:00

Hook Grip Clean Deadlift (Singles @ 80% of DL)

Did all my sets at 145kg and felt very solid and quite comfortable all the way through.

EMOM for 12:00 Alternating

1. 1 x Clean + Jerk + 5 Plyo Box Jumps (24")
2. 1 x Clean + Jerk + 5 Strict Handstand Pushups

C+J @ 70%

This was tough. All my lifts were at 85kg and felt solid, plyo box was not an issue. The HSPU were going so well until the 5th round where my shoulders dropped off a cliff and only managed 3 reps, falling to 1 in the 6th round.
Wednesday athlete session was my first for a while and it elt really good to be back.

10:00 Mixed Warm Up/Stretching

E5MOM - 25:00

20 x Cal Row
20 x Wallballs
8 x Bar or Ring MU

The idea was to hit 20 cals in under a minute every round and to do the wallballs unbroken, to push the cardio at the start. The muscle ups were complex gymnastics while gassed.

Didn't go too badly at all, managed to get the cals sub 1:00 every round. The wallballs were going really well until the last round when my mind drifted off to another place and the wallball hit my face on rep 13 :D.

The muscle ups were the largest sets I have done for a while, I capped myself at 6 muscle ups each round to make sure my technique was good and that I could have a good 1:00 or so rest before the next round.

20:00 Clock

4 x Clean + Jerk & Snatch @ 70%
2 x Clean + Jerk & Snatch @ 80%

Here we had to try and hit our percentages post exhaust. We could split the lifts so I started with snatch and built up to my %'s and hit 70kg/80kg, the lifts were clean and felt really good. Then built up the C+J and again hit my lifts really nicely at 85kg/95kg. So a really good confidence building session.
Thursday was a mixed cardio day.

15:00 Mixed Warm Up

30:00 WOD

800m Run/Row/Ski or 1200m Bike
100 x Air Squats
75 x Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
25/25 Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges (24Kg)
75 x Kettlebell Swings
100 x Air Squats

Good little cardio/movement workout. Kept it consistent and just moved well. Finished in 25:16.

Decided to go do my first Open workout of this set of workouts. 20.3 which is a repeat of 18.4. I had the time and also had the desire to see if I could beat my old score.


9:00 Cap

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlifts (102kg)
Handstand Pushups

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlifts (143Kg)
50 Ft Handstand Walk

Turns out it was a really good choice. 2 years ago I was 3 reps off finishing the handstand pushups, this year I was over 2:00 faster and got 11/21 of the heavy deadlifts.

Quite vindicating to feel like you are still making improvements and the training is paying off.
Had a horrible night shift Sunday night so took a rest Monday.


15:00 Coach Led Warmup

WOD 30:00

100 x Cal Row
75 x Thrusters (20Kg Bar)
50 x Pullups
75 x Wallballs (9Kg Ball)
100 x Cal Row

This was quite a slog. With the open on at the moment most of our work seems to be light weight, high intensity grunt work which is easier to recover from than all out weight training.

Not that much to say about this workout just chipped away and finished in 27:46
Wednesday was an athlete session. More grunt work, just in pairs!

15:00 Warmup

30:00 AMRAP in Pairs

24 x Wallballs
18 x Burpee Box Jumps (24")
12 x Ground to Shoulder (60Kg Ball)
6 x Rope Climbs

5:00 Rest

12:00 2 Rounds

30 x Devil Press (2 x 22.5Kg)
100m Ball Carry

So this all was a bit grunt work again. The first AMRAP we finished 5 rounds and 19 wallballs and we were about 20 reps of the devil press in before I called it. Lower back was raging and must still be a bit sore from the Open workout on Saturday. So I took some time to stretch and roll out.
Thursday was the annual Zombie WOD, which I forgot about as I went in expecting a chilled out session!

WOD 45:00

600m Plate Carry (20Kg)
31 x Power Snatch (45Kg)
31 x Toes to Bar
31 x Hollow Rocks
31 x Behind the Head Thrusters (45Kg)
31 x Burpee Box Jumps
600m Plate Carry
31 x Burpee Box Jumps
31 x Behind the Head Thrusters
31 x Hollow Rocks
31 x Toes to Bar
31 x Power Snatch
600m Plate Carry

**1 Person is nominated as the zombie and starts 2:00 behind to try and catch the others doing the workout**

I really wanted to scale and cruise, but I got asked to be the zombie. So I went RX to make sure I kept the pace up of everyone else. Hit cap at 43:00 with 10 Power snatch and the plate carry to go. Was suitably shattered.
Friday came and I decided it was a good idea to do open workout 20.4.

The good thing about not signing up and just deciding on the fly to do these workouts is I expect so much less of myself. That and I am going to do it as day 4 of my training week.

Open Workout 20.4


30 x Box Jumps (24")
15 x Clean + Jerk (43Kg)
30 x Box Jumps
15 x Clean + Jerk (61Kg)
30 x Box Jumps
10 x Clean + Jerk (83Kg)
30 x Pistols
10 x Clean + Jerk (102Kg)
30 x Pistols
5 x Clean + Jerk (124Kg)
30 x Pistols
5 x Clean + Jerk (142Kg)

If I was really concerned about my score I would have changed a few things and probably redone the workout. But as it stands on the box jumps, I jumped up and stepped down. Wore my lifters (for probably only the 3rd or 4th time) to make pistols that touch easier. Got all the way through the 102Kg bar and hit cap at 9 reps. So not unhappy with that what so ever.

If I was to redo I would have stepped up and jumped down from the box. This would have been way more efficient.
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