Jesters* Crossfit Journey

God no, if anyone could do all that in a minute you'd have to be the flash :eek:

1. Was the first minute , 2. The second and so on!
Friday was a team workout. Everytime you think you are getting fitter a workout comes along to remind you how bad you still are.

Teams of 2


80 x Syncro Thrusters (20Kg Bar)
800m Run
80 x Overbar Burpees
80 x Hang Power Cleans (50Kg)

60 x Syncro Thrusters
600m Run
80 x Overbar Burpees
80 x Hang Power Cleans



This is the worst I have felt during a workout for a while. Breaking them up as best you can with your partner, eventually we stopped talking to one another as it became too hard. We got to 2 burpees on the round of 40 before hitting the cap.

Do not want to do that one again.
Today was Barbell Club, drilling that sweet snatch technique today.

3 x 12 Snatch Balance @ 50%
Every 3:00

Surprisingly tough on the shoulders, did all my reps at 42.5Kg

To build up to a heavy 3 reps Overhead Squat

Hit 80kg and felt quite comfortable. Stuck at that weight as there was more to come.

3 x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ RM Weight
Every 2:30

Completed all reps at 85Kg, hard on the thumbs but felt good overall

10:00 EMOM

1 x Snatch
60-75% / Pausing 3 Sec at the knee, 3 sec in the catch.

Completed all my reps at 60Kg. Good fun this, a few wobbles in the catch but nothing ground breaking.

Finished the session with 3 more ring muscle ups. Starting to get used to it now.

The next month is split into 2 weeks of Benchmark workouts, which we did 6 months ago. So it will be the first time I will be able to compare in this little blog. See if I have made improvements. The last 2 weeks of the month will be 1RM and 3RM testing, always my favourite time of year that is!
Today's benchmark was no #4. For some reason I've missed this one twice so it was my first time.

It was horrible.

WOD 20:00

1 RD
800m Run
80 x Double Unders
21 x Hang Power Cleans (60Kg)

40 x Double Unders
15 x Hang Power Cleans

20 x Double Unders
9 x Hang Power Cleans

Extremely tough, managed to do 5 hpc on the first of the last 3 Rounds before hitting the cap. Do not want to do this again for a while, the hang power cleans were the big test and definitely took the time.

Front Squat
Lifting every 2:30

1 x 12 @ 60% (75Kg)
1 x 10 @ 65% (80Kg)
1 x 8 @ 70% (85Kg)
1 x 6 @ 75% (90Kg)

Legs were pooped. Happy with the weights especially after the first workout! Really happy I don't have to repeat for 6 months :D
My first comparison from back in June with

Benchmark #1

21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9
Thrusters (42.5Kg)

After each round of thrusters
40 x Double Unders
200m Run

Obliterated my old time of 17:43 with a 15:13. Did the first set of 21 thrusters unbroken and then broke them smartly while resting for shorter periods. DU's weren't the best and will be an area where I can still make up some more time.

5 mins rest then straight into.

10:00 OMEM

Odd - 2 x OHS pausing for 10 sec at the bottom (42.5Kg)
Even - 10 x Toes to bar.

10:00 OMEM

Odd - 30 sec plank hold.
Even - 30 sec nose to wall hold

Felt as if these last 2 workouts were easier. The OHS and toes to bar were very straight forward and I had a minimum of 30 seconds rest during each of those minutes. The second 10 mins with the planks and holds were all completed, which again was an improvement over the last time I did this workout.

So all around improvements. Very happy to see hard work and consistency is paying off.
Benchmark #10

I have done this one before also and made some improvements again.

5 x 3 Backsquat @80/90%
Lifting Every 3:00

Completed 2 sets at 125Kg then completed the last 3 at 130Kg which is great because my 1RM is 140Kg at the moment.


15 x Power Snatch (70Kg)
20 x Power Snatch (60Kg)
40 x Power Snatch (52.5Kg)

The prescibed RX weights were heavier but I decided to left heavier than I did last time and added 10Kg to each of the above lifts. Completed the 15 and 20 rep rounds but didn't manage to drop the weight in time to start the 40's. More improvements so all positives!
Mmmmm Benchmarks are fun.

36:00 EMOM

1. 10 x Burpee Box Jumps (24")
2. 15 x Wallballs (20lb)
3. 25 x DU + 8 x Toes to Bar
4. Rest

9 rounds of fun. Started getting really spicey around round 5, but kept pushing. The first time I have ever completed this as prescribed. All reps completed! Much suffering afterwards.

3:00 Rest

Every 2:00 Complete

3 x Strict Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
15 x Strict Pressups

Yea this was bad after the previous workout. Had to bin the plates on the second round as my shoulders were not co-operating at all. Pressups were also horrible. Glad that one is done, but really happy with how I performed. Starting to believe I can do decently in the Open in a few months.
Thanks mate, appreciate it!

Barbell club today.

Clean & Jerk

2 x 2 @ 80%
3 x 1 @ 85%
3 x 1 @ 90%

Lifting every 2:00

Hit all my lifts 90Kg, 95Kg and finally 100Kg for each part. Happy with how they all felt.

6 x 2 Front Squat 85%
Lifting every 2:00

First 3 sets at 105Kg, then 110Kg for the last 3. Felt good, feels good to be squatting heavy again.

4 x 6 Alternating Split Jerks
Lifting every 90 seconds.

Stayed quite light at 60Kg and focused on technique.

5 x 6 Bent Over Row

Went slow with 40Kg on the bar. Felt good as well.
Benchmark Workout #3

50 Wall Ball Cash In
12 x Deadlift (85Kg)
12 x Over bar Burpees.
5 min rest

35 Wall Ball Cash In
9 x Deadlift (100Kg)
9 x Over bar Burpees
5 mins rest

20 Wall Ball Cash In
6 x Deadlift (125Kg)
6 x Over bar Burpees

Completed 2 + 5 / 2 + 5 / 2 + 2 small improvements in parts 1 and 2 but 3 reps worse in the 3rd. Lower black blew up and exposes my Deadlift weakness. Not unhappy but definitely room for improvement.

Finished on

4 x 12 Push Press
Lifting every 2:30 Min

Big improvements made, 3 sets at 60Kg and the last set at 65Kg. 10Kg improvement across the board and definitely the highlight for me this evening.
Benchmark #5

10:00 min cap

100 x Double Unders
150 x Situps

Yea I trolled myself this time and went 2 seconds slower and posted 7:19. Tripped 3 times on the DU's which easily cost me that time. Cannot win them all!

4 x 8 front rack lunges (4 each leg)

Improvements here! 2 sets at 75Kg, 1 at 77.5Kg and the final one at 80Kg. Between 5 - 10Kg improvements, embrace those gains!

Final workout is an ascending ladder in 3's. AMRAP for total reps.

3 x Shoulders to overhead (60Kg)
3 x Box jump (24")
6 x
6 x
9 x
9 x

So I came into this one not sure of how I was going to do as my lower back was still pumped from yesterdays deadlifts. But I put my head down and got on with it. Completed the round of 18 and posted 126 reps, 25 rep improvement. All in all, a good day!
Wednesdays Benchmark was....
Another benchmark day.

5 x 5 Touch and go power cleans. Lifting every 2:00

Did all the sets at 90Kg, and all felt good. Very happy as this was between a 2.5 - 5Kg increase on my previous.

4 x 12 Bench press. Lifting every 2:30

Completed all 4 sets at 60Kg. Which is also an improvement as I failed at 9 reps of the last set last time. Hoping to up the weight next time, as bench is definitely a weaker lift for me.

9:00 Min AMRAP

2 x Squat Cleans (80Kg)
4 x Handstand press ups (hands on 20kg plates)
8 x Pullups

Pushed hard here, some of the athlete team were in and I wanted to see how far I have come. Posted 8 rounds which is a near 2 round improvement. Very very happy with this. Improvements in every area here.
Thursdays Benchmark...

5 x 5 Touch and go, hook grip Deadlift (137.5Kg)
Lifting every 2:30

Considering this was the 5th day of training and the lifting so far this week I was quite anxious as to these deadlifts. Settled on increasing the weight by 2.5Kg from last time and did all sets at 137.5Kg. Definitely feel like I could have gone up to 140Kg which will be the goal next time around. Deadlift instills some fear for me as its doing this movement back in January that my glute fired off and caused me some issues but confidence is slowly rising.

WOD 30:00 Cap

50 x Cleans (60Kg)
100 x Wall Balls
50 x Cleans
100 x Wallballs
50 x Cleans

Yea this was the workout I really really really wanted to avoid :D. I knew I managed 58 wallballs of the second set of 100 last time so I had a target in mind. Not sure why I was worried, I smashed past my previous target with 5 minutes left on the clock and managed to get to 12 cleans in the last set. So from Cap + 92 to Cap + 38 so a 54 rep improvement. This left me in a heaped mess on the floor but major satisfaction from getting as far as I did.

Friday is a day off.

Then I am heading in Saturday afternoon to attempt so 1RM's that are programmed for Sunday. Clean / Clean + Jerk / Snatch!
Went to try and assault those PB's yesterday with mixed success.

Decided I wanted to spend an hour on the Clean / Clean + Jerk portion and leave Snatch for another day.

Took my time and built the weight up and hit a new Clean + Jerk PB of 111Kg. Yup added a whole 1Kg :D. I will add the video below shortly.

Spent a good 15 minutes trying to hit 113.5Kg. Managed to get under it and sit in the catch but just could not stand it back up! But the confidence of knowing I can get under the weight is amazing. All this while I have to remember my level of conditioning keeps improving. So the strength is not being lost.
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That Jerk looked so easy compared to the clean - speed under the bar seems to be the only real limiting factor there as you clearly have the strength required for the clean. Well done!
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