Jimi Hendrix - 'He wasn't that special'

Arcade Fire said:
Sorry, I should have qualified. I meant that I can't see Steve Vai influencing anyone but the most anally retentive guitar nerd who thinks that being a great guitarist is being able to play all the scales at the speed of light, and shredding like nobody's business ;)

i find most of vai's "slower" songs the most beautiful and inspiring!

but thats not what this thread is about!

Hendrix is one of the reasons i started guitar in the first place, to hear him play (on CD and Vinyl of course) when i was little was a treat, some of the sounds that came out of that man and guitar were awesome!
I don't even particuarly like Vai, just I knew someone who owned a JEM wasn't going to be happy ;)

I however don't think that Vai is just a shred monster, some of his phrasing and emotion in his playing is stellar stuff. Saying that, it can not be denied that you obviously find Vai more exciting as a musician! So as Hendrix appeals to the broader public (apparently...) does this mean he is more accessable with his expression and is better as putting his message across?

[/devils advocate (sp?)]
Nitefly said:
I don't even particuarly like Vai, just I knew someone who owned a JEM wasn't going to be happy ;)

I however don't think that Vai is just a shred monster, some of his phrasing and emotion in his playing is stellar stuff. Saying that, it can not be denied that you obviously find Vai more exciting as a musician! So as Hendrix appeals to the broader public (apparently...) does this mean he is more accessable with his expression and is better as putting his message across?

[/devils advocate (sp?)]

Hehe I have a Jem because I like the guitar, not because i'm a fan of Steve Vai.

In my opinion if the music has a message or a purpose that the listener understands/gets then it's satisfied it's purpose. Any of Vai or Hendrix's music is equally as fruitful in what they're trying to say. But you're right than Hendrix's music is definately much more accessable, listenable and is less likely to get the "Ooh that's too different, I don't like it!" comment.

Even though some people would find this sacriledge, i'd compare Vai's music in terms of people who listen not being different to those who listen to classical music (Even though it's a completely different genre obviously). It's giving them the same sort of enjoyment that someone who listens to Galaxy on the radio is probably getting, it's just a completely different form of expression.

As I said earlier, it's completely down to the listener. Even though I wouldn't dream of listening to Rap or Dance out of choice, I can understand it has a purpose and obviously satisfies it if people listen to it, just as i'd like people to look at music such as Vai's with a more open mind that it's also satisfiying a purpose, only with a different type of expression (/technicality) they might be as familiar with.

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Andelusion said:
...can bring me to tears just as a single note from Gilmour can:p

One word 'Time' :)

Hendrix, however, there are better guitarists yeah, but you can't ever deny the pioneers, ever!

Jimi was one of them, end of!

(end of me being drunk anyway...night!)
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LOL, This thread has got sidetracked, but good to stir up some interest Mr Poole on Mr Hendrix.

So here it is from an old fart perspective.

Wasn't it the brilliant Rock Guitarist, Vim Fuego , from the legendary Bad News rock band that once said, I could play Stairway to Heaven when I was 14, Jimmy Page never learned it until he was 21 ... I think that speaks volumes.

But for me, that like all of us here never got to see Jimmy Hendrix.

My early perceptions are still the same. Woodstock.

Hendrix on stage there when most of the crowd had trekked on home to leave the mess for others to clear up.

What those remaining hardcore fans woke up to was this strange looking Black Guy, hardly anybody had heard about, he was wearing his Fender Stratocaster the wrong way round and they (the audience were still recovering) In hindsight, what we have now as historical footage is the remaining audience being gobsmacked, the same as film crews and anyone else, when he started playing .... jaws dropped, you can see this every time you watch Woodstock ... and its a magical moment, Jimi Hendrix has arrived.

Such a short life though, I often wonder what Jimi would be doing if he were still alive today?
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I haven't give my thoughts on Hendrix.
I was playing guitar when Hendrix died but my hero was Marc Bolan. He said more to me on guitar than Hendrix ever could.
I then heard Zeppelin and Sabbath and Page and Iommi became my heroes followed by Richie Blackmore.
I did buy Hendrix material but it didn't say a lot to me like those other rock bands.
Even Status Quo said more to me than Hendrix.
I can't go and watch a local band without hearing Hendrix tunes and most guitarists can emulate him but thats the point "emulate".
I cannot deny his influence on the modern guitarist of the late 60's onwards and to this day he still makes people pick guitars up.
He is the special one and I put him right at the top of the tree (even though he didn't do a lot for me).

dmpoole said:
I haven't give my thoughts on Hendrix.

Apart from starting this very thread called ...

Jimi Hendrix - 'He wasn't that special' To stir things up of course.

So, you were waiting for the dust to settle or see a suitable contrary opinion to argue with?

So you reckon Marc Bolan was the guy now? Fair enough, you are the dude and scholar of Rock concerts, who are we *nobody's* to reckon with you m8?

OK. I'll be back in about 3 months ... If I can be bothered.
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He was fantastic is there not an urban legend about Clapton and PAge seeing
him play in London and were blown away with what they saw?

Hes not a patch on John Squire mind but hey ;)
Andelusion said:
I'm not trying to be patronising but I don't think you have the experience as a guitarist (do you actually play an instrument?) to understand the type of music Steve Vai plays.
I play three instruments, and one of them is the guitar - although I'm not that good at it! This is what I mean though - Steve Vai may very well be incredibly inspiring to people who are already good guitarists, but Hendrix, like Elvis, inspired and influenced people who'd never even been near a guitar.
SidewinderINC said:
Hendrix is one of the reasons i started guitar in the first place, to hear him play (on CD and Vinyl of course) when i was little was a treat, some of the sounds that came out of that man and guitar were awesome!

And joe satriani was the reason i picked up my first guitar. Any great artist has the ability to inspire others. Only hendrix (apparantly) had the largest influence.
Hendrix was and is a massive inspiration for me. In excellent guitar player, who played guitar in the way it should be played (with taste) rather than pure speed, brilliant song writer, passable singer and brilliant performer.
Im not mad about his music, but he was a huge talent and a talent lost. :(

But to say he wasn't too special is really quite gay, plus the 36 year old probably prefers a bit of hard core garage. Not saying thats not good at all. :D

cleanbluesky said:
who played guitar in the way it should be played (with taste) rather than pure speed, brilliant song writer, passable singer and brilliant performer.

Arcade Fire said:
Steve Vai may very well be incredibly inspiring to people who are already good guitarists, but Hendrix, like Elvis, inspired and influenced people who'd never even been near a guitar.

I definately agree with that :) (For a change..)
In his early days in London, Clapton, Beck and Page were frequent visitors to the clubs where he played. Clpaton has been quoted as saying they couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing. Beck is widely creditted with having been the first to deliberately create distortion but Hendrix could make distortion do what he wanted.

When Dylan heard Hendrix's version of "All Along The Watchtower" he had to stop his car to listen and it prompted him to pick up an electric guitar and "sell out".

When Hendrix was wearing feather boas and flamboyant clothes, Bolan was still wearing standard issue.

No he wasn't the best technical guitarist and many since are more technically able, but he was the first electric guitarist to play it as more than just an electrified guitar.

Jimi Hendrix said:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power... the world will know peace"
I first got into rock in 74 when I heard Bad Company and then I raided my Uncles record collection. This consisted of all the established bands including Zep,Sabbath,Purple etc. He had Hendrix but I realised from an early age that I didn't like blues based music and I still can't listen to Zeppelins blues stuff. My live baptism came in 75 when I was 15 and my uncle took me to see Led Zeppelin at Earls Court. I've got a couple of Hendrix albums and every live film I've seen of him just seems to be a noise and I can say that he hasn't influenced my tastes one bit but I do appreciate what he did for modern rock music and I know why he always comes top.

MikeTimbers said:
In his early days in London, Clapton, Beck and Page were frequent visitors to the clubs where he played. .

I watched a documentary where Hendrix told Chandler that he would only come to England if Chandler could arrange for him to play on stage with Clapton because he held him in such high esteem. Chandler arranged it and the rest is history.
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Arcade Fire said:
I play three instruments, and one of them is the guitar - although I'm not that good at it! This is what I mean though - Steve Vai may very well be incredibly inspiring to people who are already good guitarists, but Hendrix, like Elvis, inspired and influenced people who'd never even been near a guitar.

I disagree. I started to properly learn guitar when I discovered Joe Satriani's music. I wasn't, and still am not, a guitarist, but his music still inspired me to better myself, and opened my eyes to a whole world of music I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Hendrix did nothing to influence me at all, unless you include the Hendrix influences in Satriani's playing.

My opinion on Hendrix is one of the more controversial ones, and I'm fully expecting to get flamed for my views here, but I'm not ashamed to say what I think.

In my opinion, he was, and is, totally overrated. Songs that get raved about (Woodstock improvisation, for example) sound pretty awful to my ears. Sure, I like a few of the classics (Voodoo Chile, Little Wing, Purple Haze, All Along the Watchtower) but he isn't really much of an influence on me, and his music doesn't really do anything for me either. Many people idolise his sound, but that's something else that I hate. The Strat sound he used a lot sounds thin and weedy, and half the stuff he wrote came from drugs rather than from a real creative intellect.

Sure, he may have been a great showman etc, but he was inevitably going to burn out before long. Even some of the biggest fans of Hendrix I know say that his later performances were sloppy, and that the novelty value of them had passed. If he hadn't died when he did, I don't think he would be as famous, and I think his career would have gone downhill.

Maybe I'm just the wrong generation to 'get' his music. I didn't discover it until sometime last year, shortly after taking up the guitar, but even from the start, I never really understood what all the fuss was about. Take the opinions in this thread, a lot of people say 'I don't like his music, but he was the best gutiarist ever' (paraphrased slightly). How can you say something so blatantly oxymoronic? You don't like the music...but you still think he was great? Why? You're simply following the hype without thinking for yourselves. :(

cleanbluesky said:
Hendrix was and is a massive inspiration for me. In excellent guitar player, who played guitar in the way it should be played (with taste) rather than pure speed, brilliant song writer, passable singer and brilliant performer.

Passable singer - lol :p

And this speed comment that many people are making...take another look at the Woodstock Improvisation, here's a link for you - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2460058168987804953&q=jimi+hendrix&pl=true

Now, doesn't that look like a pretty decent stab at playing fast? I would say so. :confused:

He may be an influence on a huge number of people, I won't deny that, but that doesn't necessarily explain why he is regarded as being so brilliant by people that don't even like his music. I accept that without Hendrix, we wouldn't have Satriani, Vai, etc etc, at least not in the way that we know their music, but who's to say that someone else wouldn't have hit on that sort of style before long? I just don't get it. :(

If he hadn't died like he did, at the 'peak of his career', then I don't believe that he would be as widely known as he is now. Indeed, it's more the name 'Jimi Hendrix' that people know, rather than the music. It's just hype, and people blindly accept that Hendrix = best guitarist ever. I can say the name 'Jimi Hendrix' to people I know, and they know the name, but not many know the songs, not many know anything about him.

I may have constructed a few circular arguements there, since I'm not sure how to phrase what I'm trying to say, but I don't think I'm the only one with a hypocritical arguement. :o

Begun, the flame war has.
cleanbluesky said:
Hendrix was and is a massive inspiration for me. In excellent guitar player, who played guitar in the way it should be played (with taste) rather than pure speed, brilliant song writer, passable singer and brilliant performer.
I have to dissagree with you there a bit...

Going back to when hendrix was around, unless someone wants to correct me, he WAS the fastest and the (if not one of the) most technically able guitarists around. His playing is still very fast in places, notably some of the Voodoo Child runs.

EDIT - Look at that link posted... convinced?

So saying that he was writing great songs without being very fast I think is rubbish. Everyone most likely thought "ZOMG thats soooo cool! :eek: " in the exact same fashion of when I first heard surfing with the alien.

Hendrix was the Van Halen or the Malmsteen or the Satriani that followed him. Much like Randy Roads, I don't think he would have been quite so famous if he hadn't passed away leaving people to think 'What if....?'.

tTz said:
If he hadn't died like he did, at the 'peak of his career', then I don't believe that he would be as widely known as he is now. Indeed, it's more the name 'Jimi Hendrix' that people know, rather than the music. It's just hype, and people blindly accept that Hendrix = best guitarist ever. I can say the name 'Jimi Hendrix' to people I know, and they know the name, but not many know the songs, not many know anything about him.
Spot on.

tTz said:
who's to say that someone else wouldn't have hit on that sort of style before long?
Anyone can say that, but the fact is he did it first and you can't deny him that. I've often had the old "whos better shakespear or einstein" agument with my girlfriend (I'm the scientist, shes a bookworm) and she constantly claims "someone else would have discovered what einstein did" as an aguement, but that doesn't cut the mustard!

tTz-edited said:
Many people idolise his sound, but that's something else that I DISLIKE. The Strat sound he used a lot sounds thin and weedy
Sums up what I think and I'm glad someone brought it up as well.

Nice to have a different side of the arguement in here :p
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Nitefly said:
Anyone can say that, but the fact is he did it first and you can't deny him that. I've often had the old "whos better shakespear or einstein" agument with my girlfriend (I'm the scientist, shes a bookworm) and she constantly claims "someone else would have discovered what einstein did" as an aguement, but that doesn't cut the mustard!

I concede the point. :p
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