Job Interview

16 Dec 2003
So I had my first interview today with a Marketing Company and they told me they would ring back after 2.

I got a telephone call at 5 to say they was very impressed with my CV and the interview and they would like to invite me back for a 2nd interview.

The 2nd interview involves going out to see how they do marketing within the company and is like an induction.

I'm pleased, but how close would you say I am to getting to the final hurdle.

Rees :)
how long is a piece of string?

Are there any other stages after this, as in further interviews or assessments? When they take you out what are you expected to do? How many positions are there and how many are in the running?

You've given nothing for anyone to base any form of guess. And anyways al it would be is a pure guess anyways. i understand your nervousness/happiness but no-one could really answer your question.
rossyl said:
how long is a piece of string?

Are there any other stages after this, as in further interviews or assessments? When they take you out what are you expected to do? How many positions are there and how many are in the running?

You've given nothing for anyone to base any form of guess. And anyways al it would be is a pure guess anyways. i understand your nervousness/happiness but no-one could really answer your question.

There is about 18 positions within the Sales and Marketing company, not sure how many are in the running.

When we go out we see how they do the marketing. I don;'t know much more though.
I'm not trying to be negative but...

Is this a Cobragroup company or similar? if so i think i should let you know what you are in for- Direct marketing i.e. door to door sales and/ or street charity sellers.
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