Dr_Evil said:I take it employers don't have to give employees time off for moving home, but can do if they choose to?
Dr_Evil said:I take it employers don't have to give employees time off for moving home, but can do if they choose to?
Visage said:Yup - thats about the size of it.
Dr_Evil said:Then I'm stuffed. My boss is very greedy and doesn't like to give out very much. We get minimum holidays already, last year i became father and didn't get a single day paternity leave either. There's a lady working here whom has swellings in her knees and needs a stick to walk, he don't even let her work from home. All she does is read manuscripts, they could send it to her home everyday where she could read them.
I can't wait to hand my notice in this summer!!
It isn't for your employer to accommodate people like that. If someone can get into work then they should come into work, or quit / be sacked. I think you expect too much. If that and not letting you have time off to move constitutes a bad employer then I think you've led a sheltered life.Dr_Evil said:There's a lady working here whom has swellings in her knees and needs a stick to walk, he don't even let her work from home. All she does is read manuscripts, they could send it to her home everyday where she could read them.
I can't wait to hand my notice in this summer!!
Dr_Evil said:Then I'm stuffed. My boss is very greedy and doesn't like to give out very much. We get minimum holidays already, last year i became father and didn't get a single day paternity leave either. There's a lady working here whom has swellings in her knees and needs a stick to walk, he don't even let her work from home. All she does is read manuscripts, they could send it to her home everyday where she could read them.
I can't wait to hand my notice in this summer!!
Visage said:Isnt 2 weeks paternity leave a legal obligation now?
Visage said:Plus you're allowed 26 weeks off before the kids 5th borthday - you could use some of that....
Samtheman1k said:Am I missing something, but can't you just move at the weekend?
Dr_Evil said:Not really, it's a rather "big" move, 4 people loads of stuff.
That's what I said...Dr_Evil said:I said i can do a big move on a weekday, where's your reading glasses dog?
Samtheman1k said:So that's even more reason to do it on a weekend, when people are free (unless you are using a removal company)