
27 Feb 2006
Whatever you want to call it, I am now claiming jobseekers allowance.

I have worked since I have been 16 apart from when in full time education. When in summer breaks and holidays came around I always worked. In the past I have paid a fair amount of emergency tax and tax in general.

I started claiming after I returned from travelling, as soon as I got home I applied for jobs in my skill area (1st/2nd IT Support) I gave it a week after applying for over 15 jobs through the internet and hearing nothing then signed on.

I get the standard £47.95 a week, one thing I dont understand is how it says

'We cannot pay you Jobseekers allowance from 30 August 2009. We cannot pay you because your entitlement based on Class 1 National Insurance Contributions has run out' Presumably this is for the year and not the past 8

What makes me ask, how the **** do scroungers who dont even bother looking for jobs (like that fat family) manage to claim a lot more a week than me if they havent been working for 11 years? Im guessing Jobseekers pay their contributions for them, why?
No idea. But check your cv and covering letter. This makes a huge difference to the amount of interviews you secure. Before I got mine professionally done I would get an interview about 1 in 200. Since I've had interviews for pretty much every job I've applied for.

Also be worth looking for any job like warehouse work/retail etc It'll give you money and something to do. It also looks good at interviews. When hey ask you what you have been doing for the last 3months.

I could probably go back to a call centre further away from home but it means moving out. Warehouse work is a very last resort as i did it for a few years

I have updated my cv and coving letter. How do you get your CV professionally looked at?
Browse the net and pay about £50. Make sure it is one that you get a refund if you our not happy and one where you can keep sending the draft back for alterations before you accept i.

What company did you use? (if they are still around) I will have a look but im sure it wont tell you if can can get your money back if you are not happy and carry on sending it back to them on their website homepage!
To be honest i don't really think you should be entitled to JSA either. You left your job to go travelling which is voluntary.

So ive paid into the system for 8 years and cant claim becasue i want to have a break from work and see the world. I was supposed to be working for a company for 2 weeks which turned into over 1 year before i went. I had always told them i was going travelling

With answers like that you annoy me almost as much as people people who claim dole for 10 years without making much effort to work
I also looked into working in australia / canada. Mining was a possibility but i looked further into it and its not as easy as 2 years ago. I have rang a few places too (not just internet search)
Step 1: Never post about being unemployed on a forum filled with elitest pricks who all have super-duper jobs with no chance whatsoever of ever being made redundant etc.

A few of my mates have had good jobs (not super duper but good) They were on around 31k and working in the company for 5 years. They've been made redundant last week
Same goes for my auntie a few months ago, she went from being managing director of an estate agents to a shares call centre (not at the same place but a supervisor on bette pay) She tried to claim jobseekers the few weeks she was out of work and wasnt even entitled to it! (Even though she was on highest tax bracket)

Bet most of the 'elitest pricks' on here would think differently if you were made redundant tomorrow
i just got back from oz and have landed me a job in mcdonalds, w00t, but also go ta job in new zealand so the mcdonalds will pay for the flights and stuff. i got to claim dohl for 2 weeks, it took about 4 for them to put it in lol. rubbish system. ah well im gonna disappear til this recession thing is over :)

I looked at this but you have to have money to go out (around £2300) I have an ISA but cant touch it until may, then i will use it to get a cheap car for a hopefully new job and bond on a house.

Good luck in NZ, what are you doing?
I was applying for jobs when I was made redundant, everything was temp work around xmas and was getting no luck in the new year, having any job is more satisfying then sitting at home on the dole.

Ive been helping out with family stuff too, gardening and that. A 40 foot tree needs hacking down somehow, will do that next week. Also grandad is very ill at moment so I suppose its good that i can see him whenever.

If i dont have a 1/2 decent job in a month or so then its call centre and warehouse work time
By the way, people here appear to have difficulty distinguishing between dole and income support. Anyone who's signed on at least once will know by now that dole claimants are subject to far more stringent checks and monitoring.

What is the difference? Is dole JSA (what I am in the process of claiming)

I presume you cannot claim income support when you live with parents?
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