JoeF1's Wibbly Wobbly Log.

12 Jun 2012
West Yorkshire
Hey guys after nearly 2 years off I thought it would be a good time to start getting back in shape. Although a little nervous seeing a lot of the training logs on here and sharing my somewhat basic knowledge of lifting and general taking care of my body:)

I used to go to the gym around 4 times a week about 2 years ago mainly for CV and light weights to loose weight. I was around 18 stone, very overweight. Lost about a 1-1.5 stone then became ill with Mumps which targeted my Kidneys and was ill for about a year. Which made me drop to 12 stone in around 4 months.

What im doing

Feeling strong enough now although due to not a lot of exercise im gaining love handles which make Kim Kardashian look small :D

Im starting off with the SL 5x5 to get my strength up and basically learn from the interwebz and you guys how to do this right. (Apologies in advance if some of my questions are some what dumb).

Stats right now
6ft 6inch
BMI around 24.5-25
Body fat %: 20%







First day back at the gym and feeling happy to be there. First time every doing Squats and the Barbell Row so i concentrated more on getting my form right and doing things slowly.

WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WO: 40kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Bench Press:
WU: Bar x 5 x 2sets
WO: 40kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Barbell Row:
WU: Bar x 5 x 3
WO: 40kg x 5 x 5
90sec rest between sets

Overall it went okay. My thighs were a little shaky :p towards the end of the squats which then made them shaky for the Barbell rows im putting this down to not doing squats before? At the end of the session i definitely felt that i had a decent workout yesterday and i can feel it in my legs today, although during with the 90second cooldown i felt i was waiting too long but im being persistent with it.
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Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
I'm very much looking forward to this one.

As one thing, though, I think your body fat is somewhere above 17%, maybe more in the 21% region. The reason I say so is not because you look bad or overweight etc, but because at your present body weight and 17% body fat I would expect to see a lot more bulk/lean mass. You'd only have around 11-12kg or so of skeletal muscle to gain in order to be around your full natural potential.

But this is just my random musings, I'm a bit OCD with this crap so take it with a pinch of salt. It's more me wanting to believe that you can make incredible progress rather than me meaning to criticize.

One way or another, I think you will do awesome on your program and will probably be kicking my lifts around like a joke within a year or so! Good luck...
Squats are likely to progress very quickly. Shaky legs will go, doms will arrive. And thus completes the circle of life.
Thanks guys, looking forward to this.

I'm very much looking forward to this one.

As one thing, though, I think your body fat is somewhere above 17%, maybe more in the 21% region. The reason I say so is not because you look bad or overweight etc, but because at your present body weight and 17% body fat I would expect to see a lot more bulk/lean mass. You'd only have around 11-12kg or so of skeletal muscle to gain in order to be around your full natural potential.

But this is just my random musings, I'm a bit OCD with this crap so take it with a pinch of salt. It's more me wanting to believe that you can make incredible progress rather than me meaning to criticize.

One way or another, I think you will do awesome on your program and will probably be kicking my lifts around like a joke within a year or so! Good luck...

Thanks for this, I would take your word on it as I used the internet to get my percentage. Just bought one of them fat pinchers to measure properly. I have to agree though I think its abit more. I would prefer people to be honest and not beat around the bush.

So thanks :p
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Thanks guys, looking forward to this.

Thanks for this, I would take your word on it as I used the internet to get my percentage. Just bought one of them fat pinchers to measure properly. I have to agree though I think its abit more. I would prefer people to be honest and not beat around the bush.

So thanks :p
Eh, it's really just based around the idea that, let's say you were completely natural and super lean at like 5% or 6% and at your full genetic muscular potential, then (at your great height) empirically you'd probably be weighing somewhere around what you do right now (98kg or so). Assuming that, in your mostly untrained state, you might over time have a good 15-20kg worth of actual muscle gains in you, this suggests to me that your current fat free mass is probably more like 75-76kg or so.

Again, none of this is especially important and I'm just being a nerd. More essentially, good luck and I'm really excited about this log!
WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WO: 20kg - 5 x 5sets

By 20kg, I presume you mean bar+2x10kg plates? As an Oly bar usually weighs 20kg itself.
WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WO: 20kg - 5 x 5sets

By 20kg, I presume you mean bar+2x10kg plates? As an Oly bar usually weighs 20kg itself.

Whoops better edit that.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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Update 2.


WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WO: 42.5kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WO: Bar(20kg) x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WU: 30kg x 5 x 2sets (trying to get form right)
WO: 40kg x 5 x 3sets.
90sec rest between sets

I know you was only meant to do 1 set of deadlifts in the 5x5 although I was trying to improve my form so I did 5 in total.

This workout was okay actually although with the 1 set of deadlifts at the beginning of this programme, the workout feels abit short. Although once the weight starts adding on I can see there will be more deadlift warmup sets.

Oh and you was right Pecs, im 20% Bodyfat :D
Update 3.


WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WO: 45kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Bench Press:
WU: 25kg x 5 x 2 sets
WO: 42.5 x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Barbell Row:
WO: 32.5kg x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

For the more eagle eyed of you, you will notice the im a date too far. Sunday I tried a new gym out which is closer to me with the GFs brother so I trained light shoulders with him. Your only allowed 30 mins taster which seems stupid. Although the gym is £30.00 cheaper a month and better equipment. Anyway doing this instead of training sunday I did it yesterday.

I'm going to start going in the morning so I can send you guys my form video to give me some tips. Im struggling getting down and bent over doing the BBR's. I don't want to blame it on the height. Im looking at videos and people look so bent over. Im more of at a 45degree pitch so my back is still straight?



This is the usual procedure?
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WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WU: 30kg x 3sets
WO: 47.5kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 2 sets
WO: 22.5 x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WO: 45kg x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

The deadlifts felt pointless today so im upping the weight to the standard sized plates next session. Im feeling the 90seconds this session too. All warm and lubed up squatting but then I feel like im doing less work with the OHP.

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WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WU: 30kg x 3sets
WO: 50kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Bench Press:
WU: Bar x 5 x 2 sets
WU: 25kg x 5 x 2 sets
WO: 45 x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

Barbell Row:
WU: Bar x 5 x 5
WO: 40kg x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets



WU-Warmup : WO-Workout set

Weight (inc Bar) x Reps x Sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 3sets
WU: 30kg x 3sets
WO: 52.5kg - 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WU: Bar x 5 x 2 sets
WO: 25kg x 5 x 5sets
90sec rest between sets

WO: 50kg x 5 x 3sets

Really loving the squats. Apart from the clicky knee im kind of annoyed I haven't got into this sooner!

Alls feeling good at the minute. Noticing a little change in my shoulders if im honest. Although im worried im not doing enough as I don't feel as sweaty as I used to be doing other work outs. I think I will start doing some sets on my off days or just add a few more routines on the normal days I go.

Other than that feeling very good and feeling it this morning on the way to work. 'Dem jelly legs :D

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Strong lifts is primarily a strength orientated program and as such I wouldn't limit rests to short periods if its having an adverse affect on your ability to lift. Short rests are fine with hypertrophy routines where the aim is lots of volume and big pump, not so much with strength training!
Strong lifts is primarily a strength orientated program and as such I wouldn't limit rests to short periods if its having an adverse affect on your ability to lift. Short rests are fine with hypertrophy routines where the aim is lots of volume and big pump, not so much with strength training!

Argh so its okay that the rests feel abit too long/un needed.

Cheers dude and thanks Meths.
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