John Rambo Trailer Released

andy said:
Indeed :D

The movie companies producing it, shown at the start I've never heard of, and some of the scenes look amateur, but they don't seem to have been afraid of showing the violence.
Longbow said:
A 3min trailer has been released, but I can't post it here as it contains scenes of Rambo cutting someone's head off, and firing a .50cal machine at near point blank into some one else :p

Ok, that's me sold. When's it out? :p

No wonder this trailer was hard to find. This is what i love about sly. Most of the franchises being revamped for the 21st century are all being made for the family. Like the AvP movie for example, which could have been so much more if it was made with a 18 rating in mind. Rambo is sticking to it's roots that made the original so fantastic. Yes the audience will be smaller due to the 18 rating but pure testosterone carnage is what rambo is all about ^_^.

Making a good movie > Milking money by dumbing it down and making it a family film, which sadly is happening more and more today :(

Only thing i can't figure out is what movies you will show the trailer with. Imagine parents faces showing that trailer when they go to see Shrek 3 :D
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OMG.......11101020303030303030 LOLOL osamabinladen. That's it am quiting uni to become rambo. That is who i wanna be. :cool: I so cannot wait to watch this, it looks like the 80s is back baby. OMG, did he just took off someone's head with one blow? :cool: Im sold. Mod please change my name to elrazur Rambo till the movie is out! :D (jokes)

Taken from a popular site, it craks me up.

omg this is liek guna be leik *** best movei evar

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