Looks good. I was going to say back to the 80's but that has been said many times already. In a way it is a good thing. The action flicks this last 10 years or so have been to gimmicky, too much CGI and not enough BLOOD.
This could live up to the first movie. Mindless violence and gore. One man killing machine. Awsome.
Wonder if he sets up any traps?
I think this movie could be the start of a new era in violent movies. If its successful that is. Us 18+ years olds are fed up with the so called action movies now. Well I am and im 31. I need more blood on screen.
I am tring to think of the movies of yesteryear that was all action and violence.
We had Robocop, Die hard, Terminator, Red Dawn, Roadhouse, Rambo, the Vietnam movies and lots of them. Plenty more but thses are a few off the top of my head.
Like I said. I think this will bring back the VIOLENCE and BLOOD in action movies.
Tis a good thing.
EDIT: Just found
this site. It has a funny read up on comparing the 80's action movies to todays ones. Plus a list of covers from lots of movies we all love bakc in the day.