John Titor was he ever outed ?

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
I'm sure quite a few of you have heard of the internet (possibly urban myth) legend that is John Titor. He claimed to have come from the year 2036 to tell of the way man kind was headed if it didn't change it's ways and how America was on the brink of Civil War. It made for some interesting reading before the majority of his predictions never materialised. Although undoubtedly a hoax, the question persists as to his knowledge of the IBM 5100 and some of the languages it could understand. Given that only a hadfull of people were reported to know this and that knowledge was not readily available in 2001 & 2002

Did anyone ever come forward to lay claim to this his hoax ?
I remember reading about him ages ago and vaguely remember something about his mother being involved and it being a money making plot? Not sure though.
The intruiging story behind John Titor is not that a man on the internet claimed to be a time traveller, that is to be expected - it is that so many people were fascinated by him and believed him... although that's to be expected too, due to the high density of webmongs attached to the internet as if it were a breathing tube.
Perhaps the newworthy thing, is THIS THREAD. That people actually STILL pay attention.

We all know that John Titor wasn't a time traveller, otherwise his tendency to use the internet would have also lead to him discussing "Unreal Tournament 7", "CS: SSS" and "Half-Life 4: More fluffy headcrab merchandise"
The intruiging story behind John Titor is not that a man on the internet claimed to be a time traveller, that is to be expected - it is that so many people were fascinated by him and believed him... although that's to be expected too, due to the high density of webmongs attached to the internet as if it were a breathing tube.
Perhaps the newworthy thing, is THIS THREAD. That people actually STILL pay attention.

It's just good fiction. :p
At the time it was quite credible but the story fell apart in 2004 iirc when a lot of his claims ammounted to nothing

Oh yeah of course they would have as he did mention major world events happening around then, if i recall i think the year 2012 was when nuclear devastation would set in or something and wipe a large percentage of humanity and everyone would go on to live close to their families are travel by rail everywhere
I am a time traveller, I move forward through time at a constant rate of 1 second per second. :)

I think we can safely confirm that it was, of course, all a hoax. The perpetrator has slid back under his rock, after he found other ways of filling his empty life with World of Warcraft or Second Life I expect.
Maybe that was because he warned us it was going to happen :eek:

but then he wouldn't have come back.

Surly if they had time travel they would just go back and shoot what ever president/dictator started it, and claim to be aliens/future people etc to change things, also why take a pc to the future when you could comeback with a super computer so we would be more advanced in the future so you could bring a more advanced computer back so we would be more advanced in the future so you could bring a more advanced computer back so we would be more advanced in the future so you could bring a more advanced computer back so we would be more advanced in the future so you could bring a more advanced computer back so we would be more advanced in the future so you could bring a more advanced computer back so we would be more advanced in the future, so your computers wouldn't need the old computer?
He was from one branch of the future we are on a different one hence not everything has come true.

I'm sure someone managed to trace an IP address or something but it came to nothing.

I hope he does a death bed confession, would love to know who it really was.
He was from one branch of the future we are on a different one hence not everything has come true.

I'm sure someone managed to trace an IP address or something but it came to nothing.

I hope he does a death bed confession, would love to know who it really was.

Surely he knew the risk of coming back and about the fact that the future would change and that he may not even exist. Its head hurting stuff.
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