John Wick- Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)

Didn't he release a cover of Unchained Melody with Robson Green? I seem to remember they used to be in a TV show together. Can't remember without searching.
Anyway, I finally got to see it last night.

I appreciate all the hard work Keanu does, such a physically demanding movie and well choreographed but there was a bit of fatigue in some of the fights. John Wick takes out loads of faceless baddies without much issue and then occasionally comes across someone that gives him a bit of a fight, but you never feel he might lose at any point.

And then he gets shot off a roof, hits two metal bits on the way down and survives that
Liked the first two so looking forward to seeing this. It sounds like it's getting great reviews if they've already ordered a fourth.
Damn did I enjoy this within the first 5 minutes it completely set the tone. After watching Godzilla and it's shaky cam it was refreshing getting back to static shots letting you see everything that was happening.

Cinema was nearly sold out which for 3 weeks after release is some good going.
Finally saw this last night, not as good as 1, but possibly better than 2 for me.

Some great scenes, the dogs were the highlight for me I think.

Also in almost every fight scene it seemed at least one person got it in the nuts.
managed to watch it, more than a little disapointed, was good as usual in places, but overall could have been better, and the ending was as poor as jw2 :(.
wasn't it redeemed by the #metoo concesssion, albeit, not up to Uma Thurman's level, and, lacking Tarrantinos musical choice.
Strange, i found the entire thing long winded and drawn out tbh. Not a big fan of dance scripted fight scenes so that is probably why.
I thought the movie was an ok, switch your brain off and enjoy the action type flick.
The dogs were brilliant, but the fight choreography was a little off in places where you could see the punches and kicks being pulled and people throwing themselves into glass cases.
Better than 2, but 1 is still my fave
I agree the dogs were the best bit, but that kind of says something about the rest of the film.

I loved the first 2, but this was a yawnfest of overly long fight scenes, repeating the same moves over and over and it lacked the story of the previous 2.

I'm surprised this was so popular in here.

I'm hoping they can really finish the series off with number 4 and the whole organisation, it has the potential for a good story and a lot more planning based attacks than just reactive fight scenes
I think I managed to count 5 **** shots in the first 20 minutes.
Watched it over the weekend for the first time. Did feel a bit strained and repetitive in places, hopefully they somehow re-invigorate for JW4.
As others have said, a little too repetitive, but otherwise great for me. Beautifully shot and some of the best action sequences to grace the big screen. No. 2 is comfortably my favourite - it strikes the perfect balance between the crazy, underground assassin world and reality (although not much!) - followed by the first. I still greatly enjoyed no. 3 tho and can't wait for no. 4! John is ****** off!
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