Joomla! advice please

26 Jun 2005
I've jsut started playing around with Joomla! CMS and I have a testing site hosted online at the moment but un-plublished. I was wondering whether its possible to simply copy the test site, once its developed, into the root directory of the site it will be replacing? Or would I have to start from scratch and upload the installation files and everything all over again?
copy every file
(copy database if moving server)
change the site location details in the config file
(update database location, username and password if moving server)
should be fine
I'm sure there are some extensions which do this - not sure what they are called though. Search in the extensions section on the joomla site.
Thanks for the replies. Just following on from this...I have two domains and I'd like to create a one main site and one smaller site. Is it possible to have one Joomla installation that takes care of both sites from one MySQL database? Or would I need two Joomla installations (one for each domain) and if so can they both use the one MySQL database or would I need two?

I don't think joomla! supports multi site management yet so you would need two installations and two databases.
I know in phpBB and the like, you can define the table prefix within the installation, if you changed for one, and left default for the other then I would have thought you could have had on the same DB?

You would need two installations though.
Simple... install and publish as normal, then go into administration and put "site offline" until you are ready to publish.

They just see a holding page until it is ready. Then when you are ready, simply click "online".
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