
I think just the concept of it is good, granted there is limited content but this will only grow over time, plus there are some good documentaries i will be watching. It plays so smooth though and the quality is good, then the interface is beautiful also.
wish they had a Linux version ready, could put it on my htpc :<
doesn't work with wine.

kinda disappointed it doesn't work too well with vista either, once it runs it's fine but takes a few goes to start up without error.
Gaverick said:
I think just the concept of it is good, granted there is limited content but this will only grow over time, plus there are some good documentaries i will be watching. It plays so smooth though and the quality is good, then the interface is beautiful also.

I disagree to a certain extent. In full screen mode it is very demanding and I can see a drop in frame rate if I do anything else (browse internet while watching something on the second screen. And when in full screen it looks worse than DivX - about the same when at 100% size.
I can see what you mean but considering it's just beta i think it's doing pretty good. Uses about 90 kb/s for me so i can see it being a problem for people on limited internet if watching for extended periods.
Thanks for the heads up re the invites.

requested mine an hour ago, just got the invite now and its installing as we speak :D

Conrad11 said:
Your not missing out on anything, there is nothing decent on there at the moment.

Just got my invite earlier and have been trying it.

The quality & speed is perfect, but as Conrad11 says, there's nothing much decent on there at the moment... I guess due to there being not many people using it right now.

When it gets launched properly it should be brilliant.
Just putting a reminder, that I also posted... on the first page :)
I will love you silly if anyone can send me an invite ;)

deonfouche @ gmail dot com
sup3rc0w said:
Just putting a reminder, that I also posted... on the first page :)
I will love you silly if anyone can send me an invite ;)

deonfouche @ gmail dot com

Have you tried emailing the guy in the link, seems to have quite a few, and is quick to reply.
Matt-Page said:
Can i have an invite please?

I am an 18 year old girl willing to show pictures of my boobs for it. (.)(.)

matt_page20 @
Invite sent - hubba hubba...


ps3ud0 :cool:
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