Jordan wants Kiera Knightly to be her...

Ranek said:
1. There will be a plot? :eek:

2. So basically "Lads that like lots of foam padding" then?

Think I'll give it a miss personally.

Most movies have a plot even Jordan's :eek: :D

I like the real thing but since she wont have to go completely naked on the set, it might work and trick the eyes.

I think it will be free premier or buy one get one free....
Yeh but at the back of your mind you'd know that under it all was just some foam from B&Q! Bit of a turn off I'm sure you'll agree?

Still Miss Knightley is nice enough in her own right. But i'll stop derailing the thread now.
lol it'd be funny watching jodie marsh being jordan, constant widdle take!

keira knightly cant really act anyway, so shed be well suited to jordan in that area
I can't actually understand how Jordans life could be made into any semblence of a watchable film. She's made 5 million from getting her norks out I give her full credit for that, but lets face it she's a completely irritating muppet, now married to an irritating muppet, with few redeeming features. The things the film is about is basically her screwing a few footballers and going on Get Me Out of Here... which was also terrible. How on earth do they expect this film to succeed?

Maybe i'm being too harsh but I just can't imagine how any actress who wishes to retain their career or credibility would agree to play Katie price in what will without be an appallingly bad film. I imagine Kira Knightley will pee herself when she finds out about it...
Mr.Orb said:
TBH why would anyone want to make a film on Jordan? Jordans had her 5 minutes of fame, shes like Jade Goody - Can't stand not being in the 'lime light'.
I'd rather have Jordan in the lime light for a year than Goody in the limelight for an hour.
So what is it going to be?

I grew up being abused by my stepfather.
When I was 8 I lost my virginity.
When I was 16 I was in the Sun.
I then did pretty much nothing with my life(see a pattern developing).
Then I went on Jungle fever or whatever its called and married peter andre, another "celeb" no-one had heard about since 1994 when he danced around like a fag half naked and greased up, to get some money selling all the little details of our life to gossip mags.

Can't wait.
Richdog said:
I can't actually understand how Jordans life could be made into any semblence of a watchable film. She's made 5 million from getting her norks out I give her full credit for that, but lets face it she's a completely irritating muppet, now married to an irritating muppet, with few redeeming features. The things the film is about is basically her screwing a few footballers and going on Get Me Out of Here... which was also terrible. How on earth do they expect this film to succeed?

Maybe i'm being too harsh but I just can't imagine how any actress who wishes to retain their career or credibility would agree to play Katie price in what will without be an appallingly bad film. I imagine Kira Knightley will pee herself when she finds out about it...

I can't add anything more to this, especially the kiera bit - I bet she'd be ****ing herself when she sees this.
Mohinder said:
When I first saw her in loaded leaning against a tree pulling up her skirt, I nearly exploded with adolescent joy.

Then, I made myself explode with adolescent joy.

This report bought to you in glorious Too-much-information-vision.
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