Journey Back to The Stage

Wrists were a lot better yesterday mate, was able to have them in a decent position, still not a wide grip, but it's a start :)
What were you doing pre-squat to help with your wrists? I have the same problem.
It wasn't so much my wrists, because my pecs were so tight before, I couldn't get my elbows into a good position, which meant my wrists were then in an awkward position.

But since ice brutalized my pecs, and I did a bit of the rolling on the ball before hand again, it was a lot easier
Yea that's what I figured. With bent wrists and elbows under the bar the weight is basically being held by your upper back and wrists.
It's dat der Glory Muscle time! Late training today as I got home late but always time for glory muscles. But had to drop core because of lack of time :(

Friday - Shoulders/Biceps

Side Laterals - 10kg x15x2, 14kg x2
Barbell Press - Bar x15, 40kg x10, 50kg x10
Laying DB Flys - 12kg x15x3
Face Pulls - 30kg x12, 35kg 10x2
DB Press - 22kg x10, 26kg x8x2
Incline DB Curls - 120kg x15, 12kg x12
EZ Bar Curls - 30kg x12x3
Preacher Curls - 25kg x12, 20kg x10x2
A set takes a while, and towards the end, my knees might hit the floor on the odd rep, but glutes for the sloots brah
Monday: Back/Hams

Lat Pulldowns (Warmup) - 55kg x12x3
Chins - BW x6x3
Lat Pulldowns - 60kg x8, 65kg x8, 70kg x7
T-Bar Rows - 50kg x8, 80kg x8x2
One Arm Rows - 30kg x8x3
Seated Rows (superset with pull overs) - 50kg x8(25kg x8)x3
Hamstring Curls Single Leg - 15kg x15x2
Ham Raises - BWx8x3 (these things)
Single Leg Standing Curls (supersetted with some sort of glute/ham kick back) - 15kg x10 (unknown x8) x3

Gonna be getting all kinds of gains with that

Training with Rob this week, the guy who helped me 2 years back with my prep, and he always pushes me hard :D and fuuuuuuark this was hard, especially the ham raises
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Tuesday: Chest/Tris

Bench Press - 60kg x8x2, 80kg x3x2, 90kg x6, 90kg x5
Incline DB Press - 24kg x8, 30kg x6, 30kg x6
Incline Pause Press - 50kg x8, 70kg x6, 70kg x6
DB Flies - 14kg x8, 16kg x8x2
Incline DB Extensions - 20kg x8, 34kg x6, 36kg x6
Dips - BW x6, BW+10kg x6x2
Cable Pushdowns (super set with Kickbacks) - 30kg x10(8kg x10)x3

Really sorted my form tonight with flat benching, Rob concentrated on getting the arch in my back and my elbows tucked in and down more so I'm not all shoulders, definitely felt so much better once I got to 90kg

Also, kickbacks y0
You'll find you hit chest a lot more doing that, and your weights will start going up to. Too many people flare their elbows out when benching.

Log's getting interesting. Want vids tbh...
I'm going to the Southern Natural Bodybuilders Meet next weekend, and will get some vids then :) As that's one of the things that it's all about is form and helping each other, as well as posing etc

Sure there will be vids from this weekend too :D
Thought I'd take it easy tonight in preparation for Saturday, don't want to risk not setting any new PBs ;)

Thursday: Quads/Calves

Squats - 60kg x12, 60kg x10, 80kg x10, 80kg x10, 100kg x8, 100kg x8
Leg Press Single Leg - 120kg x10, 160kg x12, 160kg x10, 160kg x8 (Last set of Double Leg x15)
Calf Raises Leg Press - 160kg x15x5
Leg Extension 21s - 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 30kg
Walking Lunges - BW x20, 12kg x20, 12kg x22
Calf Raises Machine - 80kg x15x5

Knee was a bit sore tonight squatting, so didn't go higher than 100kg :(
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