Juddery HD

18 Oct 2002
When playing HD video on my pc it never seems to be very smooth.

WMP11 with wmv files is a lot better than quicktime but both are unwatchable, wmp plays ok for a bit then stops and carries on 5 seconds later whereas quicktime plays constantly but juddery.

My spec:

Athlon 1700+
768mb ram
radeon 9500 (7.1 drivers)

Is it my pc spec?
Not sure it's your specs, unless it's my specs as well.

But in WMP a file will play for about 15 minutes smooth, then it will jump a little bit for about 5 seconds, then catch up with itself. Never been able to find out why.

Don't think it's my specs though. And your specs arn't that bad.
Mine does it at a lot less than 15mins, in the halowars trailer it gets to about 14 seconds then skips 2 seconds.

Look at the task manager, the cpu jumps to 100% when it skips so i guess it probably is my specs, didn't realise HD was so processor dependent :/
Definatley the specs, hd video is very cpu intensive as it has to decode all the data.

My athlon 2600+, 1gb ram, 9800pro 128mb, couldn't decode 1080p, so it doesn't suprise me you can't decode 720p.
the-void said:
My CPU fails the minimum recommend spec for HD video. It's a 64 3700! :eek:

My 3500 and 3200 can both play 1080p h.264. The minimum specs you see, are just fiction as far as I can see.
Yep it does use a lot of cpu power. If your motherboard supports it, try and find a 3000 or 3200 XP chip to drop in the system :)

Or get Conroe :D
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